2x6 - Currents

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After confessing to Stiles, everything felt more and more normal between us. He was talking more confidently than ever when he was around me. And I was more confident than ever, talking to him. Everything was perfect and we hadn't even started dating yet, we were trying for now. We didn't want to start something while we were fighting for our lives. For everyone's lives. "Rach, I'm so glad that you decided to tell me. Because, if it were for me,  we would've maybe talked about it when we were 50 or so." He joked, we were at my house. He was sitting on the bar stool we had right next to the counter in the kitchen as I was cooking dinner for us. "Yeah, I figured." I continued to joke. "People would assume you grew your confidence the same way you grew your hair." 

"Well, I thought that if you liked boys with more hair, I should grow them out." He teased, I laughed. "Oh, Stiles I liked you even with your buzzcut. Believe me, nothing would make it more than this." I told him, he smiled. "You can't even imagine how happy I am. This thing, I swear to you will work out." 

"We have bigger problems right now, Stiles. At least we know that we both love each other. But right now, we have to focus on the sacrifices and who is Darach. I promise, as soon as this ends, I am yours. And nothing can make this change." I told him as I turned to him. He stood up and held my face in his palms. "What if it never ends? What if we die before we can end it? I don't want to die before knowing what it is like to be your boyfriend." He told me, I held his hands. "Stiles, I promise you, we'll be fine." I said and pulled him for a hug. But, we were soon separated by Stiles' phone. He groaned as he picked up his phone. Then, he fixed himself quickly. "It is Scott." He answered it quickly. "Heyyo, Scotty. What's up?" He said, this was his attempt to make it seem like 'everything was normal on his side'. Yeah, we decided to keep this safe for now. Because we knew that if they knew we put a pause on our relationship speed because of these supernatural effects, they wouldn't let us help them so we will figure out our relationship first. 

Scott said something I couldn't hear, Stiles' face changed quickly. "What?! Alright, alright we're coming right away. See you there." He ended the call and turned to me. "Another body." He said, I nodded at him. "Alright, looks like our dinner has to wait. Go to your car, I'll grab a jacket and catch up to you." I told him, he agreed and left to his car. I grabbed the first jacket I had found and left the house, locked the door and got into Stiles' car. Car ride was quick and silent, we were both wondering which group of three began this time. 

When we arrived, we ran to Scott almost immediately. Mrs. McCall was standing right next to Scott, probably waiting for Sherrif. "What happened?" I asked to them. "Both Dr. Hilyard and one ER attendant are missing." Scott explained, just when Sherrif arrived the scene. He came to us quickly. "Alright, what happened here?" Sherrif told us. "I was standing there, then this car came and hit this car. When I checked to see if the person inside was okay, there was no one. And also, someone else got missing too. Two missing..." 

"Hang on, hang on... They were both in the car?" Stilinski asked, trying to grasp the concept. "No, Dad, they're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings, okay? Two doctors, both gone." Stiles explained to his father. "So, whose car is this?" Stilinski asked again. "Dr. Hilyard, the on-call doctor. The ER attending is the one that never made it back in." Mrs. McCall answered this time. "Let me just focus on getting your story first, all right?" Stilinski said to Scott's mother, who agreed quickly. "Yeah." she said, then he turned to us. "Guys, give us a second." He told. We nodded as we started walking away. "These are definitely sacrifices, right?" Scott asked us, I nodded as Stiles answered. "Yeah, it's the one Deaton mentioned-- Healers." 

"What about Danny? He threw up mistletoe. That's not a coincidence, and if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died. Danny's not a healer. I..." Scott said. Before we could answer, Stiles and I both realized something at the back. His father was talking on the phone. "Can you hear that?" I asked to Scott, pointing him Stilinski. "They found a body." He said to us. I sighed and nodded. "Yup, definitely healers." I said to them. "I have to protect my mom, what if she is the third victim?" Scott said. "I should watch her all night."

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