2x5 - Motel California

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"One hundred and ninety-eight?" I asked Lydia. I was in Allison and Lydia's room since I wanted to give them the great news-- That Stiles and I had just confessed our love to each other!! But, since this was not a great time to say great things, I decided to wait. "Yes, and we're talking forty years. On average, that's... four-point-nine-five a year, which is... actually expected." Lydia answered my question. "But who commemorates that with a framed number? Who does that? Who?" I asked again. I had a hard time grasping the subject. "...All suicides?" Allison asked this time as she was drying her hair with a towel. "Yes-- hanging, throat-cutting, pill-popping, both-barrels-of-a-shotgun-in-the-mouth suicides." Lydia said, then continued only to cut herself. "I don't know about you but me, I'm-" Allison and I were left on a cliffhanger, looking at her face. "Did you guys hear that?" Lydia asked suddenly. Allison and I looked at each other and then turned to Lydia. "Hear what?" Allison asked her. Then she got up and climbed up to the bed. She got closer to vent as we were watching her while holding our breaths. I had no idea what she was doing. "Lydia?" I asked, she was breathing uncontrollably. "Oh, my God, oh, my God--" She muttered. Then, she stepped back as she was in fully shock. "Lydia? What happened?" Allison asked this time as she helped her get off of the bed. "Didn't you two hear this?" Lydia asked us, I shook my head as Allison answered. "Hear what?" 

"The two people in the other room-- they shot each other!" Lydia said hysterically. Then, she started running to next room. Allison and I obviously went with her. "Lydia..." I said as she was searching an entrance for next room. When she found it, she pushed the door open. "Hello?" She said into the dark room, Allison and I were right beside her. "Lydia, what are you doing?" Allison told her this time as Lydia went inside the room. "Hello???" Lydia said as she was walking inside of the darkness. We went with her and when she opened the light, we realized that the room was under renovation. "It had to be right here. It was a guy and a girl, and, I mean, they sounded younger, but... they were here." She said, Allison put her hand on her shoulder. "I believe you. After everything we've been through, I believe you." Allison told her. 

After a few long minutes of Lydia searching the room, we went back to their room. "You know, there is something seriously wrong with this place." Lydia said and as soon as we got back into their room, she started packing up. "Hey, girls? We need to leave." She told us. "But they were suicides, not murders, and it's not like this place is haunted, right?" I told her, wanting to believe what I said. "Maybe it is? You know, I bet that couple made their suicide pact in that very room! Maybe that's why they're renovating-- maybe they've been scraping brain matter off the wood paneling." Lydia told us, I shivered to the thought of it. "Maybe we should find out." Allison said, I nodded. "Agree. We cannot leave without learning what happened." I agreed with her. Lydia scoffed and looked at us. "Then we should go back to reception, we'll ask to that woman at the desk." She said, we all agreed and went downstairs only to see that there was no one at the desk. "Well, there goes that..." Lydia said, showing the sign that said 'back at 6am'. At the back of the glass, there was really a count that said 201. Then, I realized. "Didn't you say the sign said one-ninety-eight?" I told her. She turned only to see what I saw. "...It was one-ninety eight. I swear to God it was one-ninety-eight." 

"Okay, what does that mean? That there's been three more suicides?" Allison asked, I turned to Lydia to get an answer. "Or three more are about to happen..." Lydia told. I scoffed. "We should tell Stiles and Scott. They will know what to do." I said. Lydia agreed but Allison shook her head. "No. Just Stiles. Scott was acting very different today, I think he's not in the shape to help us." I nodded as I took my phone out texting Stiles on our way to girls room. Stiles, we need to talk. Just you. I texted and continued walking with girls.

After he came, in like 2-3 minutes, we told him everything and then Allison told us what Scott did while she was in shower. "The last time I saw Scott act like that was during the full moon." She finished. I sat on the bed and covered my head to grasp the concept of what was happening. "Yeah, I know... He was definitely a little off with me, too." He told us. "But actually, it was Boyd who was really off-- I watched him put his fist through the vending machine."

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