2x4 - Frayed

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"Remind me again why we are following our cross-country team?" I told Lydia and Allison from backseat as we were following our school bus. "Because Scott got hurt yesterday. And Derek died. And a lot of other things happened." Allison said, I nodded to her. "Am I getting too close?" she asked to us, I looked at the distance between us and the bus, which was almost none, by the way. "I'm getting too close, aren't I?" Allison asked again, waiting for validation. "That depends... Are you just following the bus, or are you planning on mounting it at some point?" I asked her, she scoffed. "Yeah, I should back off..." She said, I nodded as I leaned back on my seat. "Well, that also depends. Oh, do you mean the bus, or the ex-boyfriend you're currently stalking?" Lydia told her, I laughed silently. "Well, after what happened, I'm not letting him out of my sight." 

"And, by the way, this all started when he came knocking at my door." She continued. Lydia turned to her. "For what?" She asked, I joined them quickly. "What? Why do I have no information about this?" I asked. "Well, he came and asked my help for attacking Deucalion. That is why I know what happened there. And right now all I know is I need to keep my eye on him, alright? It is not because he is my ex boyfriend. It is because he is my friend." Allison explained to two of us. "Well, still it feels like it is a bit because he is your ex boyfriend. I mean, don't you still like him?" I asked, she looked at me from the rearview mirror. "Just because you still like Stiles doesn't mean I still like Scott, Rach." Allison told me, I was flabbergasted by her reaction. "I- I SO do not like Stiles. I mean- Not romantically- Of course I like him- as friends. Not romantically-" I tried to defend myself but my words did not form any sentences. "I think you should go for it, Rach. I think he likes you." Lydia told me with a smile. "I-" I said, but I gave up trying to lie. They were right. I still had feelings for Stiles and it was nondeniable, especially with these girls. "Alright. Yes, I like him, so what? He does not have feelings for me. It is a lost cause." I answered to them. "Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that." Allison teased. I had a desperate need to change the subject. 

"So, is that whole not letting them out of your sight-thing literal, or more like a general rule...?" I said suddenly to her, she was caught off guard. "Why?" She asked, I pointed the fume bar. "You're running on fumes." I said. She groaned loudly. "And I'm pretty sure that bus holds a lot more gas than this Toyota." Lydia joined me. The unhappiness was easy to read from Allison's face. "What if we stop?" She asked. "Is it really that big of a deal? I mean, so we lose them-- we know where they're headed." Lydia told Allison, she's got a point. "You didn't see what happened." Allison told her. "I know who started it..." Lydia muttered, Allison and I both turned to Lydia. "Is that what Aiden told you?" Allison told her. "Aiden? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second-- is that why you invited me on this whole road-trip-thing?" Lydia asked, then it hit me. Allison was keeping eye on Lydia too. Smart girl. "Oh, my gosh! You're keeping an eye on me and them."

"So, there's nothing going on between you two?" Allison asked disbeliefly to Lydia. "I'm appalled by the insinuation!" Lydia scolded her. "Nothing?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "We wouldn't blame you for wanting some alpha-male-kinda-sex." I continued to tease her. The more time I spent with them, the more confident I became. And honestly, I like the new me. "Nothing." Lydia said to me with her scolding eyes. And suddenly, my phone rang. I took it out from my pocket only to see Stiles' caller ID. "Oh my God. Stiles is calling. What am I gonna do?" I said to them panicking. "Just tell him that we're about to go into a movie." Lydia said, I nodded as I answered the call. "Hey, Stiles! Yeah, we're just about to walk into a movie! Uh, you know, the popcorn, and--"

"I know you guys are right behind us. Put me on speaker." He told, I grimaced as I put him on speaker. "Okay..." I told him. "Okay, look, Scott's still hurt." He told us, assuming I put him on the speaker. "What do you mean, still? He's not healing?" Allison asked this time. "No, he's not healing. I think he's actually getting worse. The blood's turning, like, a black color..." Stiles said, oh God that must be really bad, I thought. "W-what's wrong with him?" Lydia asked him. "What's wrong with him?" I don't... Do I have a Ph.D. in lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?" Stiles scolded her. He was stressed, it was not hard to understand it from his voice. "We need to get him off the bus." Allison said. "And take him where, a hospital?" I told her, it made zero sense. "If he's dying, yeah. Stiles, there's a rest area about a mile up. Tell the coach to pull over." Allison said and she was determined. "Yeah, I've been trying..." Stiles said, I could imagine. "Well, reason with him." Allison said, I turned to Allison in a heartbeat. "Reason? Have you met this guy?" Stiles and I said at the same time. "Just try something!" Allison said, then I heard Stiles groaning and he ended the call.

After a long silent trip to the rest area, we finally arrived and thanks God, Stiles and Scott did too. I had no idea how but Stiles managed to reason Coach to make a stop. As Stiles and Allison were carrying Scott, I heard Finstock yelling. "Jared, you suck!" I looked at Stiles while laughing. "I guess this is how you managed to stop the bus." 


"...I've seen worse." Scott told as we stepped outside of the school bus. "Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asked exasperatedly as I went right beside him. Then, Coach blew his whistle. "Listen up! The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves! You'll be pairing up-- choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" I grabbed the first key I saw and hoped that I would stay alone in my room. I turned to Allison and Lydia. "Girls, I figured you two will share a room so I'm leaving right now, my room number is 113, you'll come if you want." I said and before they could say anything, I left to my room. As I got in, I threw myself onto the mattress. Everything was a mess. Scott was not healing. Isaac and Boyd was at the edge of committing homicide. And I still liked Stiles. 

I decided to talk to Stiles. I needed him to know. I did not want to hide anything from him any longer, even if it meant ruining our friendship. So I stood up, left my room and knocked on their rooms door. But to my luck, the door was opened by Scott. "Um, hi Scott. Have you seen Stiles?" I asked, he looked exhausted but I thought it was because of his wound. "Uh.. He went to vending machine I think." He answered, I smiled. "Thanks, see you later!" I told him and went downstairs to find him. I found him near vending machine, but its glass was broken and Stiles was carrying a lot of snacks. "Uh, hi Stiles." I told him, he was caught off guard. "Oh- Hi. I- I didn't steal them, I mean, Boyd did this and, I didn't want to give money- ya know?" I smiled at him. "Smart choice. Um- I wanted to talk about something with you actually. Can we, for a minute?" I told him, his expression immediately changed. "Oh, of course. C'mon." He said, we started walking silently. "So... Do you remember how I told you that I have feelings for you only in a friendship way?" I said, looking at his face. "Well, yeah, since it had only been one day you had said that." His expression was somewhat sad looking. 

"Stiles, I don't know how to tell you this but... That was a lie. I was not honest with you. I know, it's probably going to ruin our friendship but I have to tell you this because today seeing Allison almost losing Scott I realized it. I don't want to lose you before at least I know I don't have a chance with you. I love you Stiles. I've always loved you. I was in love with you when you first met me at the school. I wished it was you the day Jackson took me on a date. I wished it was you the day he kissed me. The only reason why I liked Jackson was I thought I had no chance with you. I wished it was you and I still wish. Just like how you have a ten year plan to make Lydia fall in love with you, I had the same one for you. But I was always too shy to come and talk to you. That was why I fought with Erica when she told that she had a crush on you, because she was there the whole time I was melting over you. I understand that you liked Erica, I understand you like girls who are confident and strong but I love you, Stiles. With all of my heart, until it stops beating. No lies, no teases." 

The hardest thing I've ever done. He watched me carefully during my whole speech. "Rachel- I thought-" He stopped to complete his thoughts, I gave him the time he needed. "I thought you loved Jackson. I- I was angry at you when you attacked Erica but it was not because I was mad at you for liking me, or me liking Erica. It was because I got so scared that something might happen to you! Rachel, I wished to be Jackson. Not because he was with Lydia but because he had you. Because no matter what he did, you were there for him. You forgave him everytime. I was jealous that you loved him. I watched you fall in love with Jackson and then get your heart broken, do you have any idea how hard that was? Do you have any idea how I wished that I was the one you loved so you'll never be broken? Rachel, when you told me about your father yesterday, I swear to God I wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill him very bad because he hurt you. How would you think this would ruin our friendship? It would only take it to a better state, Rachel. I love you too. With all of my heart. Until forever." 

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