1x15 - Master Plan for the Battlefield

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I was staring at the ceiling to understand all of the things happened that night. After what happened, the necklace lost the ability to show me things. I was in pain, the scar on my neck was not healing. I had to solve this. Why did that vampire pulled me into the woods and drained my blood, just leaving a bit for me to still continue living? Just when I was lost in my thoughts, I heard a noise from my window. When I turned to it, I saw Jackson came into my room.

"What the hell are you doing in my room? Get out!" I yelled at him as I stood up. "Rachel, please listen to me. Please, please. I need you to listen. No one would." I saw the pain in his eyes. And I don't know why, I wanted to believe it. "You have 2 minutes, talk." I said, trying to have my guard up. "I, I feel different, Rachel. It's like I am dying. And, and I am too scared to tell someone this but you... You give me hope. You make me feel like I can live. I didn't think I was going to fall in love with you Rachel. You are kind, smart and you have no idea how beautiful you are. I know it is hard for you to have feelings for me after all I have done to you. But I had to tell you. I am in love with you Campbell."

That was it. My guard was down. Because even though this seemed like a mistake, I loved Jackson. I cared about him. I knew it was impossible to fix him, but at least I knew he loved me back. The only person that loved me back, despite all of his wrongs. All of his mistakes. He always found a place to love me. I pulled him to me and I kissed him. It was not too late that he started kissing me back. And at that night, everything changed for me. I finally believed Jackson was in love with me. I finally had my own fairytale. Jackson and I made love. I gave it to him. But what I didn't know was, how wrong that decision was.


When I woke up in the morning, Jackson was gone. And still to this moment, sitting at the benches with Mrs McCall and Stilinski, he was nowhere to be seen. I hadn't talked to anyone about what happened last night. But the moment I saw Stiles getting onto field, my worries slipped away. Or, got doubled. No idea. "Oh no... Why is my son running out to the field?" Stilinski questioned as we all were looking at Stiles. "He's on the team!!" I said joyfully. He was going to play, it was perfect. For once. he was going to get what he always wanted. "He is..?" Stilinski asked to us. "Mmhmm." Mrs McCall assured him. "He's on the team... He's- He's on the field... He's on the field!!!" Stilinski's voice got higher in every sentence, I smiled at him. "Yes he is!!" I joined his excitement. Before Isaac joined to the game, we all watched us losing and Stiles trying to play, but being incredibly unsuccessful at it.

The whole game was a disaster. Isaac pulled every other player until coach put Scott in the game. In the meantime, Isaac got injured and had to leave the game. Then, Stiles managed to throw the ball into the net. The whole thing was weird and scary. And also, Jackson was on the field. Stiles managed to score for 3 times. We won because of Stiles. But then, the lights were closed as everybody was running to the field. Stiles. Where was he? I felt in my guts that something was wrong. "STILES!" I shouted, in hopes to find him. When the lights were opened, I saw people were around someone. I ran there in hopes to find Stiles but he was not Stiles. It was Jackson. "Jackson..?" I said, remembering his words. It's like I am dying. He was. As I was standing next to Scott and Isaac, Lydia was helping Mrs McCall to make Jackson live. He was not breathing. I lost two person in the same time. Both Stiles and Jackson. I turned to Scott, in hopes that he would know where Stiles was. "Scott, Stiles is missing." I said, with tears running down my face slowly because of Jackson. "What?" Scott said, just before Stilinski started shouting. "Stiles. Where's Stiles? Where- Where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?!" He was shouting as looking through everywhere.


"I've got the meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His Jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means... The hell, I don't know what that means. Um, look. If he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if either one of you see him--"

Invisible - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now