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What could be possibly better than going to shopping with Allison and Lydia? Oh, of course going to that shopping AFTER telling Lydia that I had a date with Jackson last saturday. Now, she's acting like it's totally okay but I know it's not. "Nothing's wrong... I just, I have a lot on my mind." Allison told Lydia as we were going upstairs with escalators. "You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, Never frown-- someone could be falling in love with your smile?" Lydia said to her, I had no idea what they were talking about. The only thing I knew was Allison was still angry at Lydia for kissing her boyfriend. Well, ex boyfriend. "Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress."

"Have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected..." Allison admitted and caused Lydia to smile widely. "Excellent!"

"...But not as much as I'm going to ask." Allison told and now I'm concerned, what was going on in her head? "What? What's that supposed to mean?" Lydia asked as we left escalators. "It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, 'roided-up jock you said yes to and you're going to go with somebody else." No, Allison you did not thought this. "Who?" Lydia asked, Allison pointed Stiles with her eyes, who just sprayed perfume on air and sneezed because of the perfume. "Him." Both mine and Lydia's face went down, it can't be. "Don't frown, Lydia! Someone could be falling in love with your smile." Stiles turned to us as he saw three of us, watching him. Lydia and I with a frown and Allison with a smile.

After an hour in mall, I was already getting bored of it. Lydia was using Stiles as her 'assistant' and making him carry all of the clothes she was choosing to try on. I already made my decision and bought it so I was just waiting for them to finish their job. As I was waiting for them, I got a text from Jackson.

Jackson W.: Hey, whatcha doin?

Rachel: Just hanging with Lyds, Ally and Stiles. Wbu?

Jackson W.: Cool, wru?

Rachel: Beacon Hills Mall

Jackson W.: be there in 5

Well, that was quick. It didn't even take 5 minutes for him to come, he was right in front of me in few minutes. Lydia's face immediately frowned when she saw Jackson, coming towards to me with a smile. Okay, that was unexpected. "Hey, why are you sitting while others are trying something?" He asked with that smile on his face. If he was acting, he was really good at it because it felt so real. "Okay, Stiles I think I chose everything I want to try. Come on, maybe I'll ask your opinion." Lydia said to Stiles, making sure that we clearly heard her. "I already had the dress in my mind so I just bought it when I saw."

"Why don't you show it to me?"

"Well, you'll see it tomorrow. Be patient." I smiled to him and that was when his smile got widener. Did he just became happy just because I smiled? Okay, it's getting weirder every second.

"Hey, if you're done with shopping why don't we leave and spend some time together?" Jackson asked, I stopped for a moment to think but hey, what could possibly go wrong? "Okay, cool. But give me a second, I need to use the restroom."

"Okay, I'm waiting here." I nodded at him then started my way to restroom and while I was in there I saw him. Derek's uncle. Shit. Shit. This guy was going to kill me the last time I saw him. I need to leave. Just when I moved to leave, he locked the door. Oh shit. Fuck. God, send me help. "Come on, Rachel. Aren't you curious about why I made you come to school?"

"Nope, probably you had some kind of psychopathic thoughts about it that I don't really want to know."

"Well, if I'm a psychopath to you... You should choose your words carefully. Knowing that I've killed a lot of people already, it won't be so hard for me to kill you either."

Invisible - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now