1x10-The Abomination

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"I- I don't know. I can feel things before it happens. Bad things, mostly. Like I felt just before Erica fell. Or just before Lydia screamed. It has started happening after the necklace. It all makes sense. My mother stole it from Hale House and Peter wanted it back. My necklace was the replica, Peter realized it after he stole it and he decided to pull me into all of these to take it back by scaring me." I explained to Scott and Stiles at the back of the school in our break.

"What if it's just a necklace and it's you that having these feelings? Maybe you're the supernatural one, not the necklace?" Scott questioned. "Scott, in my 16 year life, I've never felt things like these. It's not a coincidence. It's the necklace I swear. I need to have answers."

"Hey, if it belongs to Hales then you should probably return it." Stiles said. "No! It was destined for me, don't you understand? I check my mothers boxes every time and it was the first time I saw this."

"Hey, maybe it's better that Rachel keeps it if it's magical like she says. Derek is already powerful, he doesn't need that kind of power. But maybe Rachel can protect herself from danger with this." Scott said, thank God someone who understands me. "But hey, say that to Allison. Maybe she can find something about it. We need to go now, come on." Scott said and started walking away. Just when I started to walk, Stiles stopped me. "Hey, but promise me if something happens or Derek learns-"

"I'll get rid of it, I promise." I said as I smiled at him, then we started walking. "Hey, I'm going to find Allison. See you two at class?"

"See you!"

"See ya, Rach!" I waved at them and started wandering around the corridors. Okay, I need to find Allison. Focus on finding her. Maybe this necklace can help me, lol. I giggled to myself then turned the corner and boom. Allison was there. Well, it is kinda scary. "Hey Ally! Can we talk for a min?" I said to her just when she stopped talking to some girl from our English class. "Hey, Rach of course."

We walked to some quiet corner to talk. "Okay what is it about?" She asked and I took my necklace out of my shirt to show her. "Oh my God this is beautiful, where did you find it?"

"Well, my mother did. Probably at Hale's. And we think this is some kind of magical. Since I started wearing it, I can sense bad things before they happen."

"Oh. Well this is new. There are magical necklaces now? Did you tell Scott?"

"Yeah, Scott actually told me to tell you." I said just before bell rang. "Um, I have to get to class but I'll try to learn something about it, okay? We'll talk later."

"Okay, bye Ally." I said and we both started walking to different directions. I put my necklace back into my shirt and making my way to class. But when I turned the corner, I was no longer in the school. I was in the woods. What the actual fuck?

"Give me back." I heard Peter yelling from distance, then I saw his face coming closer. Oh God. "Give me back." His pace was getting faster. "GIVE IT BACK."

"GIVE IT BACK. GIVE IT BACK. GIVE IT BACK." After his last sentence, he was right in my face and his face started to change into his Alpha form. "No, leave me alone, NO!" I screamed just before I bumped into something and I closed my eyes shut. "Hey, hey Rachel is everything okay?" I heard a familiar voice. Stiles. I turned to see Stiles standing behind me, his eyes were full of fear. I pulled him for a hug immediately. "Hey, what happened?"

"I- I wasn't in the school. Peter wants it back. But he's dead, right? He can't do anything. He's dead." I said but my last words were just mumbling. I was trying to reassure myself. "Yeah, he can't do. He's a little too dead to do something to you. Don't worry. Come on, let's go to class."

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