2x1 - Tattoo

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"Boy, it is a good thing you drew me a picture..." the tattoo artist told to Scott. Here I was after almost 4 months, with my friends. "Hey, Scott! You sure you don't want something like this?" Stiles asked, as he was showing some tatto looking like the kanima. "To soon?" he asked, I hit his head. "Yeah buddy, to soon." I told him. He was changed. He grew his hair long and something was different about his aura. He was... More confident in some way. He smiled at me then turned to Scott again. "I don't know, man. Are you sure about this? I mean, these things are pretty permanent, you know?" Stiles said to Scott again. He was of course skeptical about something permanently changing you. Typical. "I'm not changing my mind." Scott told him.

"Okay, but why two bands Scott?" I asked him as I stepped closer. "I just like it." He said shrugging his shoulders. "But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning? You know, or something?" I turned to Stiles with my witty smile. "Like, you tattoing L as in Lydia on your chest?" I teased him. "Well, you get J and then we will discuss about it." He said as he winked. I hit his shoulder as Scott laughed at us. "Getting a tattoo means something." He told us. "I don't think that's--" Stiles and I both said at the same time, only to be cut by the tattoo artist. "He's right. Tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word tatua means 'to leave a mark', like a rite of passage."

"Here's todays lesson.." I muttered. "Yeah, see? He gets it!" Scott told us. "He's covered in tattoos, Scott-- literally." Stiles scoffed. "Okay, you ready?" He asked to Scott. He nodded as he confirmed. "You ain't got any problems with needles, do you?"

"Nope." Scott confirmed again, then he started. But, of course, Stiles had to look closely. "I tend to get a little squeamish, though, so.." He started to say but before he could finish his sentence, he fainted. I caught him quickly and turned to Scott. "No problem, I got him."

As Scott's tattoo finished, Stiles woke up too. After Scott finished the payment, we got into Stiles' Jeep. When we got into the car, we noticed that Scott was slightly in pain. "You okay there bud?" I asked, Scott nodded slightly. "Kinda burns." He answered. "Yes, you just had your skin tabbed about one hundred thousand times with a needle." Stiles told him, he was pretty right. "Yeah, but I don't think it's supposed to feel like this..." He said, then another pain wave hit him. "Bi, it's definitely not supposed to feel like this, I gotta take this off!" Scott said and started to peel the bandage as Stiles spoke exasperatedly. "No, no, no, no, Scott!" But when he took the bandage off, the tattoo got healed. "It healed." Scott said, I laughed slightly. "And we were saying, what? Pretty permanent, huh?" Stiles laughed, then breathed loudly. "Thank God, I hated it. Sorry."

"Well, buddy I guess a tattoo is not in your short term fate." I said to him as I patted his shoulder. "Well, at least having heard from you was in our short term fates." He told me. I sighed. "Well, I needed time to get over the fact that I was played by for whole semester. Not everyday I get played by the most popular guy in the school, with a Lambo, and co-captain of the Lacrosse team." I joked. "Well, we should've been there for you to get over it. You should've let us." Stiles told as he was driving. "I, I just wanted to live it myself. I needed to get over it by myself. Also, I never listened to you guys. This was on me. I left my guard down."

"It is not your fault that you fell in love, Rachel. There was nothing you could do. But hey, you don't have to see him anymore. He is gone for good." Scott told me. I smiled at them. Even though I ghosted them and pushed them away, they were still there for me. "So, how was it? Do you have unpausable desire for blood? Ridiculous speed of run? Phobia of garlic? Sunlight melting your skin, huh?" Stiles teased. I hissed at him. "Yeah, I am going to eat you Stiles, tsssss!" We laughed for a second in the car, then the subject came to more serious things. "Have you ever talked to Allison?" I asked to Scott suddenly. "Nah, we agreed to give each other the summer-- no texts, no calls." Scott said, I nodded to him. "So, then how do you know she won't be back at school, then?" Stiles asked, I turnes my head to Stiles, then back to Scott. "What do you mean she won't be back?"

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