2x14 - Galvanize

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"C'mon, you have to be in somewhere. I swear to God I know I saw you in here." I mumbled to myself as I was searching in the basement of my house. I was searching for the mirror that belonged to my mother, which I believed now was an heirloom. "C'mon..." I whispered, getting frustrated every second. "Looking for this?" I heard a voice and lifted my head almost instantly, only to see my mother holding the mirror I was looking for. "At this point, I can't even know if you're really here or you're just my imagination."

"Oh, honey, I'm here. It's just... No one else can see me. Do you know what did this to me? That necklace. That's what happens, girl. I never should've gotten it back from them."

"You never learned how to control. I am learning. And, dad has gotten better." I told her with tears in my eyes. It was strange to see her, so strange. "Honey, do you think I don't know? I never left you. I never left this house. I watched you getting bigger, hating your father. He wasn't like this. I made him like this. And... I'm sorry, honey. I put that necklace in that box so you'll find it. But... Seeing you using it, I know you'll do better than me."

"If no one else can see you, how do I see you?" I asked. She laughed as she lowered her face. "Because you are taking power from the necklace, not giving power to it. So, you're getting stronger as a sorceress. I saw you training. Using your magic to fight, controlling your emotions... You are perfect at this." She told. I took the mirror from his hand. "Is there anything I can do to bring you back to dad? He needs you."

"If I knew any spell that could do that, I would've done it the day I became this invisible ghost body. But... If there is anyone that could do something, it is you. You are capable of everything. I believe you with every fiber of my heart."


"What are you looking at?" I said to Scott as I walked over to Scott and Stiles and leaned on a locker. "Me?" Scott asked. "You. You looking at her?" I told him as Stiles was trying to figure out what we were talking about. "Her? Who her?" Scott asked. I groaned. "Her her-- Kira. You like her?"

"No. I mean,... Yeah. Yeah, she's okay. She's new." Scott said, confessing it finally. "So, ask her out." Stiles said like it was the easiest thing. "Now?"

"Yes, now."

"Right now?" Scott asked again to be sure. "Right now, Scott! I don't think you get it, yet. You're an Alpha. You're the apex predator! Everyone wants you! You're like the hot girl that every guy wants." Stiles told him, well, that is a way to make him feel confident, I guess? Isaac approached as Scott opened his mouth. "The hot girl?" Scott questioned. "You are the hottest girl." Stiles said, then started walking away. I simply followed him with a furrowed brow. "He is? What am I then?" 

"You cannot be the girl every guy wants. You're mine already. No one can want you." He said as we were walking to class. I looked at him in shock. "Well, who are you, and what did you do to Stiles?" I said, but then quickly changed my mind. "Do you know what- I like you. This Stiles can stay." I said, entering the class. After we sat down next to each other, I turned to him. "So, I saw my mom last night. And turns out I'm not crazy. I'm not seeing visions. Turns out she wasn't lost! The necklace made her invisible because she was not able to control it. And if I can find a way, I can bring her back!"

"Rachel, that's so great. I'm sure you can find a way. Hey, maybe we can go to Argents after school to ask if they know anything about it?" Stiles said. I shook my head. "No, no. I'll take care of it. I'm going to Marjorie after school to ask if there is any spell books or anything to help me. But- I found this in my basement last night. I think it is magical." I said as I took the mirror out of my bag. It was a small hand mirror. "I don't know what it does but the energy it gives me... It is something. I'm going to ask Marjorie." I told. Just before Stiles said anything, Coach came in. "Mischief Night! Devil's Night! I don't care what you call it-- you little punks are evil!" Coach yelled at us the second he came into the class. "You think it's funny, every Halloween my house gets egged? A man's house is supposed to be his castle! Mine's a frickin' omelette!" I chuckled at his anger, this man was so funny when he was angry. "Oh, this? We're gonna do this again? I don't think so!" He said as he saw the birthday present on his table, he threw it on floor and stepped on it. I turned to Stiles immediately. "What did you guys do..?"

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