1x13-Party Guessed

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After what happened at the library, it had been nearly a week that I had not seen faces of my friends. I hadn't talked any of them and I completely locked myself into my house. So that is why I was surprised when I heard a knocking on my door. I paused my show and got up from the couch. As I opened the door, I was more surprised. There was Stiles, standing in front of my door, his anxiety was visible from his face. "Um, hi.." I said awkwardly. "Um, can I come in?" He asked, I nodded as I walked away from the door. I closed the door as he came in. "Rach, I'm sorry that I acted that way."

"Well, you kinda ghosted me." I said, shrugging. "I know, I was surprised. I- I didn't think you had a crush on me. I mean, you were-"

"I was seeing Jackson, right? Stiles, you completely ghosted me and went and talked to Erica. I- You didn't even ask how did my talk with Jackson went. I was going to die too, Stiles. At the library, Jackson attacked me too. You didn't even text me. You didn't even check if I was okay. I thought we were friends, man. I thought we were friends for fucks sake. You always warned me about Jackson but you never warned me about yourself."

"I was mad because-"

"Stiles. Let's forget it, okay. It was not important anyways. I don't have a crush on you, it was before we had started our friendship. It is not important now. You are just a friend to me and I would like if it stays that way." I said, he opened his mouth to say something for 2 or 3 times but he then stayed silent. He just nodded as he walked to the door. "Alright, then. We are good. So, I'll take that as you are coming to Lydia's party?"

"Oh, I totally forgot about that." I lied, he rolled his eyes at me. "I know you did not forget about it, Rachel. Get ready in thirty minutes, I'll be waiting outside." He said and winked, then walked out of my house. Oh, great. Now I need to get dressed for someone's birthday who hates me.

After what felt like hours of digging my gardrobe, I decided to wear this outfit as I wanted to be simple yet not underdressed

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After what felt like hours of digging my gardrobe, I decided to wear this outfit as I wanted to be simple yet not underdressed. As I let my hair down and did my makeup, I took my black bag and left my room, ran to the door to not leave Stiles waiting. I have no idea why I couldn't keep my anger since he was like I killed someone for a week. "Okay, I am here and you are so dead for making me leave my den." I said, then realized the huge present in his hands. "Okay what is that?"

"My present for Lydia." He replied as he was walking to his car. "I am going to act like I did not see it and I would like it to stay that way." I said and got into his car with him. On the way to Lydia, we almost hadn't spoke at all. Our silence was broken with my ringtone, I looked at my phone to see Allison calling. "Please tell me you are coming to Lydia's party." She sounded desperate as soon as I picked up the phone. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming, um, Stiles is taking me right now."

"Oh, you two started talking again? That's great!" She told me, it was visible from her voice that she was happy to hear it. "Yeah, yeah kinda. See you when we arrive, okay?" I said. After saying gooodbyes, we ended the call. After the most silent car ride I've ever been, we had arrived to Lydia's house. "Alright, we are here. I am coming right behind you." He said, pointing the present. "I have to get it out of my jeep."

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