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It had been 3 days since what happened in school and in this 3 day, I got closer to Scott and Stiles that they even invited me to the woods with them to make Scott drunk and happy so I accepted and here we were, in the woods with a bottle of Jack with completely drunk Stiles, who was lying on ground and completely sober Scott, so yeah, probably that wasn't a good idea. 

"Dude, you know... she's just one... one girl. You know, there are so many... there are so many other girls in the sea..." Stiles said as he was stumbling his words. "Fish in the sea." Scott fixed his best friend, he was annoyed by his own friend and I was too."Fish? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love 'em. I love especially ones with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, five-foot-three..."

"Like Lydia?" Scott sighed, I shook my head as I lay beside Stiles and started watching stars. "Yeah, exactly! Hey, how did you know I was talking about... about... What was I talking about?" Stiles said, he was cute when he was drunk but not when he was confessing his love to Lydia, especially beside me. I stood up and sat on ground, Stiles suddenly handed me the bottle. "Hey, you're not happy! Take a drink." I shrugged and took a big sip from it and I wished I didn't because God, it burnt my throat. I handed it back to Stiles and lay again, hoping that it wouldn't make me drunk like Stiles. Then he handed it to Scott. "Take a drink!"

"I don't want any more." Scott said, Stiles put the bottle down and lay back beside me. "You're not drunk?" He asked to Scott. "I'm not anything."

"Hey, maybe it's like... maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know? Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf? Am I drunk?" Stiles asked as I stood up really this time. "You're wasted." I said as I walked over Scott and hugged him behind, knowing that it hurts when you love most doesn't talk to you. Normally I wouldn't be super cool when I'm with guys but these two made me feel like I was with them since I was created so we were already friends. Knowing their secret made our friendship way more strong. "Scott, I can talk to Allison if you want me to."

"Yeah! Come on, dude. I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know... Well, I don't know. But I know this-- I know that as much as being broken up hurts, being alone is way worse... That didn't make any sense. I need a drink." Stiles spoke non-stop. In this last three days, he was getting up on my nerves too. He was so into Lydia that he had no idea how I really feel about him so it was really bad. Really, really bad. As Stiles made his way to grab the bottle, two guy just showed up and took the bottle before Stiles did.

"Well, look at the two little bitches getting their drink on." One guy said as the other smiled. "With their little slut." I immediately stopped hugging Scott and crossed my arms to cover myself, I knew it was wrong idea to come with these two idiot to woods at this time. "Watch your mouth and give it back." Scott said firmly, not even moving any muscle. "What's that, little man?"

"I think he wants a drink." The guy that called me 'slut' spoke this time. "I want the bottle." Scott said, still not moving any muscle and man, it was scarier. "Scott, maybe we should just go..." Stiles said as he stood up and stand beside me, probably understood how uncomfortable I was. "You brought me here to get drunk, Stiles. I'm not drunk yet." Scott said as the man took a sip from bottle, Scott stood up and walked over that man. "Give me the bottle." Guy shook his head. "Give me the bottle of Jack." Scott growled than I realized his nails were growing and he was shifting to his wolf side. God help us. "Scott?" Stiles and I both said simultaneously. Guy gave the bottle to Scott in fear and then, Scott threw it to a tree that it was really, really far away from us.

"Okay, please tell me that was because of the breakup... or 'cause tomorrow's the full moon..." Stiles said as we were walking away from woods, I was helping Stiles to walk because, well, he was drunk. "Going home now, yeah?" Stiles said as I dropped him to his jeep's passenger seat, Scott already started walking away. "Scott? Scott! Are you really going to leave me alone with Stiles? In the middle of the woods? What if alpha comes?!" I shouted, caused him to stop and turn to me. "Take him to house. I'll come later." He said and left without saying anything else. "But I don't have a drivers license..." I muttered as I turned to Stiles, who was now sleeping in his seat peacefully. I sighed as I closed the door and walked over to driver's seat but then I had this sudden urge to walk into woods, just like what happened earlier at school. So I walked into woods instead of getting into Stiles' car, stupid me. And then I heard yelling of the guy who messed with us earlier. "No! No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no! Nooooo!"

Invisible - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now