1x5-Date at Night

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Typical Saturday evening, without any supernatural thing. No calls from Stiles or Jackson whole day. I probably came this world to stay alone. What am I doing? I am watching It Happened One Night, yeah pretty 'vintage'. But at least, Stiles is coming at 8 to have a Star Wars session so, I'm not that alone I guess.

"God, seriously, who calls me in my movie hour?" I whined when I heard that my phone was ringing. I stopped the movie and answered the call without looking at ID. "You better have a great excuse to call me in my movie hour." I spoke. "I think I have. Are you free tonight?" Jackson asked, sounding more kind than before. What happened to this guy? "Well, I have a Star Wars night with Stiles but-"

"Okay then you're free. I'm taking you out tonight and yes, this is a date. I'm taking you away from all of this madness for one night. If you don't enjoy, I'm not going to bore you anymore. Deal?" Woah, is Jackson Whittemore get abducted by aliens? Who is that? "Deal."

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 8pm." Jackson said and before I could say anything, he hung up the phone. "How am I going to get ready in one hour?!" I yelled and ran to bathroom to take a shower. 

After my 15-min shower, I ran back to my dresser and started getting ready. I decided to wear my burgundy dress with a leather jacket and black high kneeled boots. I leave my hair wet with its natural waves. I did a little make up with mascara and gloss. After I got all ready, I checked my clock to see that I only have 5 minutes left. I grabbed my phone and purse, ran downstairs just in time to hear my doorbell rang. I opened the door thinking it was Jackson but, it was no one else but Stiles. 

"Are you going somewhere?" Stiles asked, no Rachel you CAN'T BE that stupid. There's NO way I forgot to call Stiles. "Yes, she's going out with me." Jackson said, appeared from Stiles' back suddenly. I saw the betrayal in Stiles' eyes, but why? Maybe because I was going out with the guy who was threatening Scott, or maybe because of something else. 

"I thought-" Stiles started but get interrupted by Jackson. "Yeah, well, she decided to spend her time with me." Jackson said and turned to me with a cocky smile on his face. "We can leave if you're ready." He said, I turned to Stiles. "Stiles I'm so sorry I know we supposed to have a Star Wars night tonight but-"

"No, you don't need to apologize. It's okay. It's... It's totally okay." Stiles said and left my porch without any other talking, his head was down. God. I made him upset. "Are we leaving or are you inviting me inside?" Jackson said, I laughed a bit. "Yeah, let's leave." I said and closed the door, went to Jackson's car and he opened up my door. Well, there the gentleman comes. 

After a short trip with different types of music, we were at Beacon Hills National Park. He parked the car and opened up my door, again, helped me to get out of his car. While we were walking in the park, I realized that we were walking to a spot that was covered with candles. "Who are you and what did you do to Jackson?" I teased, gained a laugh from him. "I should ask it to you, what did you do to me?"

"Yeah, I can't deny my charm. What can I say, I'm irresistible." Woah, Rachel. Where's that confidence from? Also, how does he leaves Lydia and flirts with me? I'm serious, Lydia is prettier than me in every little thing.

We sat on grass then Jackson pulled out a McDonald's bag from picnic basket. "I'm not really good at preparing food so I just bought McDonald's, I hope you like."

"You bought me McDonald's??? Now I'm sure that something possessed you." I said and grabbed bag from him, took off our menus. "And my favorite menu?? How did you know?"

"I asked Erica." Okay, maybe I'm starting to develop feelings for Jackson. MAYBE. I mean, Stiles is never going to stop loving Lydia so what's the deal with me, trying desperately to make him love me? It's impossible. Maybe I should take my chance to have a great relationship.

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