2x3 - Unleashed

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After seeing Erica's body, learning about the truth of my mother and my eyes turning purple. I even avoided school for a week after what happened. But the day I returned, of course there would be new problems to solve.

"I looked everywhere. It's like he just walked away-- left his car, his dog..." Scott told us in the corridor before their locker room's door. "Okay, was he, like... could he have been a virgin, maybe? Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?" Stiles said. Stiles' new phobia was that virgin human sacrifices were going and he was virgin so he was going to die. "No, definitely not-- Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It's a new policy." Scott teased him. "No, I don't know if he was a virgin... And why are you talking like he's already dead? He's just missing."

"Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott! And you know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life! Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to have sex with me right now!" Stiles exasperatedly told. I laughed at him. "All right, I'll do it."

"What???" He said, purely in shock. "Yeah, I've done it with Jackson, why not with you? Come to my place at nine. Plan to stay the night. I like to cuddle." I messed. "Oh, that is so sweet. Are you kidding?""Yes! I'm kidding, Stiles!" I said to him, laughing. "Okay, you know, you don't toy with a guy's emotions like that, Rachel! It's not attractive, all right?" He scolded, but I was still laughing. "See you later, dude. Stay out of trouble you two. I'm waiting tonight, my love." I winked at him, caused him to become more and more uncomfortable. I started walking away as they went inside, Scott was still messing with him.


"All right, since inertia is a subject of which you all know plenty, why don't we start with momentum?" Harris told the class as he was writing on the board. First sentence he said in the lesson and I was already bored to death. "They're here for a reason. Give me a chance to figure it out before you do anything. Okay?" Scott told to Isaac, I turned to them immediately. "Isaac..." Scott said again but Isaac wasn't listening. "Danny... What do we know about momentum?" Harris asked to Danny, I rolled my eyes at him. I hate this man. "It's the product of mass and velocity. The more massive something is, the faster it's going." Danny answered to douchebag. "Mr. Harris, can I use the bathroom. please?" Isaac asked suddenly, got an approval from Harris and left the classroom. Scott stood up immediately. "I have to go to the bathroom, too." Scott said, but Harris didn't let. "One at a time."

"But, I really have to go. Like, medical-emergency-have-to-go." Scott tried, but he was unsuccessful. "Mr. McCall, if your bladder suddenly exploded and urine began pouring from every orifice, I would still respond, one at a time." Scott couldn't answer to him. "Is that enough hyperbole for you, or would you like me to come up with something more vivid?" He asked, I rolled my eyes again. "See you in detention." I said casually to him, got up and left the classroom. "Miss Campbell!" Was the last thing I heard before I closed the door to the classroom. When I left, I saw that one of the twins, punched the other one.

"What..?" I muttered, Isaac pushed me to his back gently. "Why did you came?" He asked as we were watching the straight twin punching the other one. "We should go, Isaac." I told him, trying to pull his wrist. "No, they are onto something."

"Yeah, you! Isaac they're going to frame you we have to leave!" I told Isaac as he slammed his twins head into lockers, then threw in front of us. "What is this? What's going on?" Harris said as he left the class due to noises probably. "You all right?" Danny asked to his 'lover' as I was standing right beside Isaac. "Uh, he just... He just came at me!" He told. I was in pure shock. "What? He didn't do anything I was here!" I said. "Isaac, what the hell did you do?" Harris told him. "I'm telling you, he didn't do anything! His twin did it!" I yelled at Harris, he turned to me. "Shut up, Rachel!" He yelled suddenly. "This is it! How many fights you've got into? This time, I am making sure you are getting a punishment beyond detention." I looked at him with disbelief. "What? Like what?"
"Like suspension." He said, now it was not just me but also Scott, Stiles, and Isaac too were looking at him with disbelief. "She didn't do anything! You can't punish her!" Isaac told. "Try me." Harris said, and then he started walking away. "Lunch detention, both of you." He said as he was leaving.

As people walked away, Isaac went into the classroom to take his books. I turned to Scott and Stiles. "I cannot take suspension. If they give me suspension they will call my father. And he will kill both me and Harris. Like, literally kill." I told them. "Rachel, he won't do anything to you, alright?" Scott tried to reassure me, but I shook my head. "No, Scott you don't know him. Before the winter formal, the night he was hospitalized, he was violent. He will turn back to those days if I get a suspension. I know it. I know my father, Scott." I said with tears in my eyes. I felt the fear in my every cell. Just the thought of my father made me tremble. Stiles made me turn to him. "Rachel, he can not do anything to you. We won't let him. I, won't let him."

(TW-Abusive flashbacks)

"Dad, can we play, please?" Little Rachel asked her father, who was now down for his fifth beer. It was 2 months later that Bridgit, her mother left without a trace. She was just 10 years old. His father groaned. "Shut up." Rachel decided to go and hug her father since his father had not spoken to her for almost one week. But just when she opened her arms to hug him, he pushed her away to the glass coffee table, which almost instantly broke due to Rachel's weight. A glass shard went right into her forehead. Even though it was not much, her body hurt too much. She almost immediately started crying. "I SAID SHUT UP! YOU PIECE OF SHIT! DOES IT HURT? MY HEART HURTS MUCH MORE SINCE YOUR MOTHER LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU!" Her father yelled at her as he pulled her from the ground only to slap her on the face. "Go back to your room!" He said as he pulled her on the ground to in front of the stairs, then pushed her back to ground. He walked back to his couch to continue drinking his beer. She climbed the stairs while crying silently, the first time his father had done something like this.

Flashbacks were rushing into my mind rapidly. Stiles was trying to tell me something but I was not hearing him. My mind was somewhere else.

"Where the hell are my beers?!" Rachel heard her father shouting from the kitchen, she immediately left her cat, Pumpkin in her room and went downstairs. "I- I don't know dad." She told him. She was only 13 this time. But she had already took the role of the housewife of their home. In those 3 years, she prayed every night that her mother would come back and they would go back to their old times. Old times that her father loved her. "What have you done to them, huh?" He asked to her, she started walking backwards in fear. "I- I have no idea, dad. I swear." Rachel told him. But he didn't believe. "You are taking everything from me! I wish you were never born! You do not deserve to live! I wish you were dead you motherfucker!" He shouted at her, she was trembling in fear. "Dad, please. I swear I don't know." He grabbed her hair in one swift move, pulled her closer to his face. She left out a small scream. "YOU STILL LIE! OH, HOW MUCH YOU RESEMBLE YOUR CUNT MOTHER! YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN THE ONE WHO WENT MISSING! YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN DEAD!" He shouted at her face, her eyes were closed. "LOOK AT ME!" He yelled at her, slapped her to make her look. "You are going to be like your mother when you grow up, right? You are going to run away to another man, huh? I am going to KILL you before you can do that! You can NEVER leave this house forever while you still breathe! DO YOU HEAR ME?" He threw her onto the ground. "Your mother never did, but you're going to HAVE TO love me!" He told her, she pulled her hair out from her sight. "I hate you." She whispered to him, caused him to hit her again.

"Rachel!" I heard Stiles' voice suddenly. "Are you alright? You're crying." He told me softly. "Stiles, do you remember the time you asked me if my father was abusive or not?" I told him. He nodded. "Yeah, I remember." He said as he was holding my hand, I had just noticed it. Wow. Why? "I lied to you that night. He was violent. Especially when I was younger. I was scared to tell you because your father is the sheriff and I didn't want to lose my last parent. The scar on my forehead never lets me forget the first day he attacked me." He sighed loudly, and then he pulled me into a hug. "Rachel, I am so sorry that you had to go through this."

"And, you know, when I started to develop a crush on you, it was first because I thought it would keep me busy from the drama in the house. The fights my mom and dad had, the arguments I was pulled into... But then, when my dad started to do this, I thought you would become my escape way. Now I see that I didn't need you in a romantic way. You are as helpful as you could be even as a friend."


"No, Stiles really. I'm over it. That ship has sailed. Believe me, the only feelings I have for you is about how great of a friend you are." He smiled at my words but his smile wasn't sincere. He was almost like he was sad that I told him he was a great friend. "I'm always here for you, Rach. As everything. In every way."

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