2x2 - Chaos Rising

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"What?" Stiles told to Scott as they were walking to a high school party, different than theirs. "What do you mean, 'What?'" Scott asked to him. "I mean 'What?', and you know what." Stiles told, he was getting angry that Scott was acting like he had no idea. "That look you were giving!" He said this time. Scott sighed slowly. "I'm gonna ask you something but I want your true answers. I will understand either way."

"Alright, hit me." Stiles said, no idea what was coming next. "Do you like Rachel?" Scott blurted. "Wh- Wha- What the hell?? No- no of course not. I mean- Yeah, as a friend. But- not as a- not in a girlfriend way. Man- I just-" He twaddled. "Oh, so you like her. Then, you don't like Lydia no more?" Scott asked. "Man- I- I don't know, alright? I have no idea." Stiles confessed. "Can we turn back to subject of the party of our lives?"

"Stiles, it just seems weird, going to a different high school's party..." Scott confessed. "What? Would you..." Stiles stopped his tracks, turned to his best friend. "God, one drink, all right? You'll be fine! I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So, tonight, no Allison, no Lydia, no Rachel. Tonight, we're moving on." He said, then continued to walk. "You're right." Scott said. "That's right I'm right!" Stiles reassured Scott. "Moving on." Scott told, trying to reassure himself about moving on from Allison. "Onward and upward!"

"Let's do this." Scott said, gaining his confidence. "That's what I'm talking about. Now, look at me." Stiles said, they did their handshake, started to get inside the house. "How's my breath smell?" Scott asked. "I'm not smelling your breath." Stiles answered his question. "Do you have any gum?" Scott asked this time. "No! No gum! You're fine!" Stiles told him, just before they went inside. As they went into inside, Scott asked one last question but did not get an answer. "Can you at least tell me what kind of party this is?"

"STILES! Hi!" Blond girl shouted, coming towards to them with a big smile. "Hey! There's the birthday gi--" Before he could finish his sentence, she went straight for his lips. There went Stiles' first kiss. "So glad that you made it!" She said, Scott was in awe. "Me too..." Stiles told, completely in shock of what just happened. "Come downstairs with me and help me pick out a bottle of wine...?" Stiles responded quickly with a quick "Yes."


"The stock market is based on two principles-- what are they?" Coach asked in the class. I knew the talk Allison, Lydia and Derek had with Stiles and Scott by their sides. I knew about Erica and Boyd. I knew about them, getting kidnapped by Alpha pack. At this moment, I was willing to do everything to save them. Literally. "Yes, McCall, you can go to the bathroom. Anybody else?" Coach said as Scott raised his hand. "Uh, no, Coach-- I know the answer." Scott said, causing Coach to laugh rapidly. Then, he got serious. "Oh, you're serious."

"Yes. Risk and reward." Scott answered. Well, looks like someone did their homework. "Wow! Who are you? And what have you done with McCall?" Coach told, and just before Scott could answer, he shushed him. "Don't answer that! I like you better! I like you better!"

"Does anybody have a quarter?" Coach said, Stiles acted quickly to give a quarter. "A quarter... yep!" He said, trying to take quarter out of his pocket. But instead, he dropped something. An XXL condom... "Stilinski, I think you, uh..." He said as he picked it up from the ground. "You dropped this." I laughed at him, caused him to turn to me as he grabbed it from the coach. "And congratulations! You two." He said, my eyes widened immediately. "Uh- Coach no-"I said but coach didn't listen, continued to the lesson. "Risk and reward! Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward! Okay, watch Coach." He said, put the mug down and threw the quarter into the mug. That's impressive. "That's how you do it!"

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