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"Rach, how you don't remember it? You stopped the kanima. You stopped it when it tried to kill you." Stiles said to me as we were walking to my house with Scott. "Guys, seriously, I do not remember anything you are saying. The last thing I remember is going to the restroom. I am sorry."

"Rachel, I think it is more than this necklace. A simple necklace cannot give a human that power." Scott said as I scoffed. I stopped right in front of the front door. "Look, I don't remember any of the events that you say had happened. All I know is that I am super exhausted, and I just want to get some sleep. Can we talk tomorrow, please? I feel like I had all my energy drawn out of my body. See you tomorrow." I said and kissed both of them on their cheeks and went into my house. As I closed the door, I sighed. Of course, I remembered everything. But I knew that if I told them that I remembered, they would've never left me alone. I needed space. I needed some time to think about the things Jackson said.


"Why did you tell me you love me?" I said as I slammed Jackson's locker. "Sorry?" he told me with questioning eyes. "Yesterday, you told me you love me. Why? Why did you say that?"

"Because, Rachel, it is true. I love you. Yes, at first, I approached you to hurt Scott and to get closer to becoming a werewolf, but then-"

"Excuse me, what?!" I grimaced at the thought of him using me to approach my friends. Okay, I knew he was using me when he first started flirting with me, but it was real for me. "Oh my God, I cannot believe I believed you! I cannot believe I fell for your shit when all you did was use me! I hate you, Jackson! I hate you SO. FUCKING. MUCH!!!"

I walked straight into class as I left Jackson there. That was it. That was the last time I was going to let him get into my head. He was pure evil. I sat in my seat and started staring at the wall with thoughts running through my mind. Everything was too much for me to deal with, and I was overwhelmed with anxiety and fear. I had no idea what to do about the strange feelings I get every time when something bad approaches. It was killing me slowly.

"Bro, what the fuck?" I shivered at the sudden noise right behind my ear. "God, Scott, you scared the hell outta me." I turned to him. "Did you really not see Isaac sitting in front of you?" he whisper-yelled. Before I could say anything, another voice interrupted us. "Dude, I just talked to my dad, who just talked to Jackson, and I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad news..."

"...I think we already know." Scott muttered as our gaze turned back to Isaac. Before we could talk, the teacher came into class, and I turned my gaze to her. After the lesson, all three of us left the class together. "All right. I only found one thing online called a Kanima-- it's a Werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers." Stiles said as I was looking around for Jackson. I wonder where that jack-ass was. "That thing was not a jaguar..."

"Yeah, and I'm not exactly a murderer." Stiles said. Poor him. He almost got killed by that ugly creature. "Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you. And it's still trying to kill you, and it probably won't stop until you're dead." I said to him straightforwardly. He stared at me for a second. "You know, sometimes I really begin to question this friendship."

"Hey, it cannot harm you, Stiles. We won't let that happen." I said as I saw Jackson talking to Danny. I quickly turned my head away, not wanting to see him. "Rach, you okay?" Scott asked, as he probably felt my anxiety or something. "Um, yeah. Yeah... It's just, nothing, really. C'mon, let's go to class. It's coach's class." I said as I paced my tracks.

We got into class quickly just when the bell rang. I sat right behind Stiles, who started looking through our book. My peace ended pretty quickly when Jackson sat behind Scott, next to me. "Hey, Testicle Left and Right-- what the hell is a Kanima?" Scott and Stiles turned pretty quickly to Jackson but interrupted by the coach without asking anything. "All right, listen up! A quick warning before we begin our review-- some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult-- I'm not even too sure I could pass it! Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Who's got it, huh?"

Invisible - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now