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"Wait, so you woke up covered in blood? And you screamed?" Allison said as we were walking into the restroom. "And also, we have this." I said and turned to mirror, showing the gayote scar on my neck. "Wha- But-"

"I know, Stiles told me. You can't see it in person, only via mirror. And my eyes, too. My reflection is completely different." I sighed. "I have no idea what's happening. And I can't take this necklace off. It's super weird. I have absolutely no idea about what to do." Lydia caressed my back. "Well, honey, welcome to the club. I feel you, but I promise we'll find out. Together." She smiled, I smiled back to her and put my head on her shoulder. "Thank you, Lyds."

"Always." She said, Allison joined us as she put her head on Lydia's, causing her to put her head on Allison's shoulder. "We're all in this together. But now, we all have a class to get."

"Well, Harris is missing so I don't think I have-"

"Not happening. You're going to your class." Lydia said as they started pulling me out of the restroom. As we said bye to each other, I went to my locker to take my books. "Hey, how are you holding up?" I turned to him as I smiled. "It had been better." I told Stiles as I closed my locker. "Still confused, scared to look at the mirrors."

"After school, we'll go to Deaton, alright? Maybe he knows something. He can help you."

"Maybe I should go right now?" I said as I opened my locker to put my books back. At this moment, I was willing to do everything just to leave school. I didn't want to be here. Something felt suffocatingly disturbing. "No, if you skip any more classes, you'll be in trouble. C'mon, we're going to class." Stiles said and held my hand, pulled me into class. When we stopped in front of the door, I looked at his hand holding mine. He quickly blushed and left my hand, got inside. I smiled at his shyness, then got inside and sat behind his seat. "Rachel, did you do anything slutty? Why Stiles is red?" Scott joked, I laughed. "No, actually, this time it's not on me."

"Good morning!" We all turned to the board with the sudden voice, only to see Miss Blake. "As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing-I mean sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started, shall we?"

"Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation-- they just don't know how." Stiles told Scott, I sticked my head between them quickly. "Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?" Scott told him. "I don't know... But Scott, there's got to be at least twenty other doctors in that hospital at least, you know? Any one of them could be next." I sighed. "What are we going to do?" I asked, only to be interrupted by Scott's ringtone. He quickly hid behind his table and answered. "Hey Doc. Sorry, I'm in class right now-- can I call you back later?" He asked. After he listened, Stiles and I looked at him as his face seemed weird. "Doc. Doc, doc, doc-- what's happening?" We heard Scott, then he left the class quickly. As Stiles and I both stood up, Stiles sat me back. "No, you're staying here. I'll text you if something happens."

"But-" I tried to talk but he shushed me. "No. Stay here, alright?" I frowned, he sighed. "Please."

"Okay. But, tell me everything. I don't want to stay behind." I told him. "Of course." He said and left the class. And I was left with boring Miss Blake.


"Find Lydia. I'm coming back, I'll tell you when I'm back. Just- Find Lydia." Stiles said over the phone as I was walking on the corridors, looking for Lydia. "I'm trying, call me when you're back." I told and closed the phone. As I was walking, I heard the fire alarm. "What the..." I said, continuing checking every door to find Lydia. And when I opened Coach's room's door, I found Cora, holding Lydia's wrist. "I said-"

"Let go." I said as I looked at Cora. I closed my eyes, and hoped that they would shine purple as I opened them back. "She said let go." Lydia smiled as Cora's face straightened. "How..." I heard Cora mumble, but I took Lydia and left. "Badass." Lydia commented, I laughed a little. "Well, I was lucky that they turned purple. It would be awkward if I couldn't." I took my phone out to text Stiles that I found Lydia. I took her to a class to wait Stiles, who came pretty quick. "A ouijia board?" Lydia asked as Stiles put ouijia board on the table. "Also called a spirit board. And, it's worth a shot..." Stiles explained, I sat on other table. "A shot in the dark." I mumbled. Lydia nodded. "Could you just try it, please?" Stiles said impatiently, Lydia sighed as she opened the box. " Okay, let's not forget who this is for-- Scott's boss, the guy who has saved our collective asses on more than one occasion." He explained as he took the ouijia board out of the box and put the little thingy on it. "Oh, wait. Should we all do this?" I asked him as I looked at the little thingy I suppose we were supposed to put our fingers on. "Yeah." Stiles answered, then we all put our fingers on it. "You guys ready?" He asked, we all nodded. "Where's Dr. Deaton?" Stiles asked, then we both turned to Lydia. "...What?" She asked. "Aren't you gonna answer it?" Stiles asked her, I sighed in exhaustion. "Oh, I don't know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit..."

"Well, do you know any spirits?" I told Lydia, she sighed. "Well, you have the necklace. Maybe you should try as well."

"This," I showed the necklace. "Is useless. It does nothing except giving me nightmares." Stiles shook his head. "No, no. Lydia's right. Maybe you two need to merge your powers, and, I don't know, do something with it?" Stiles said and started to search his pockets exasperatedly. Then, he came with a keychain. "Okay, these are Deaton's keys for the clinic. Close your eyes, and I'm gonna put 'em in your hands, and then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out for his location. It's called psychometry."

"We're not psychics." I told him, he sighed. "You're something, alright?" We looked at each other, then put out our hands for Stiles to put it. We both closed our eyes. "Mmm..." Lydia said, Stiles asked quickly. "What?"

"They're cold." I couldn't hold my laugh. "Lydia, concentrate, please? Trying to save lives here, for the love of God." I shushed Lydia and tried to concentrate for real. But no matter how we tried, it was not working. Stiles gave Lydia a pen for otomatic writing as I walked away from them with keys in my hand. As they were trying, I sat on the ground and held the keys close to my necklace. I closed my eyes to concentrate. Please, show me the location of Alan Deaton. I beg your mercy and your power. I need your power to show me things. Tell me, where he is.

Then the flashbacks came running. A tree. And old tree. I heard it's name but I'm having hard time remembering it now. I stood up, walked to them only to see Lydia draw the exact same thing. "A tree." I told as Lydia finished drawing. "I saw it too." I told her. "Why you both see things that you don't need to? Ugh." Stiles complained, I rolled my eyes at his frustration. "Honestly, I don't even know why you're bothering with me, anyway... I mean, especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny." Lydia told him. "What? Why Danny?" Stiles asked, only to get his answer from the person who came inside. "Because... Last night, he was a target... But he wasn't a sacrifice." Scott told.

"But isn't Danny still in the hospital?" I asked as we left the class. " Yeah. That's where we're going right now. Except you." Stiles answered, I stopped my tracks. "I'll meet you there." Scott said and left before we could answer. Stiles stopped as I did. "What's your problem?" I asked him. He looked lost. "What do you mean?"

"I mean what the fuck is your problem? Why are you trying to keep me away? I'm not weak! It's always 'you stay here, Rachel', 'It's dangerous, Rachel', 'Stay at the school, Rachel', why Stiles? Last year I had a boyfriend who was a homicidal lizard, I think I can deal with this Darach and some werewolves. I don't need you to protect me!" I practically whisper-yelled. He sighed in frustration and pulled me into the classroom back. "Do you know why?" He said as he closed the door. "Because, Rachel, you are not afraid! And it terrifies me! You'll attack a werewolf if you have the chance to! And that necklace doesn't guarantee you an immortal life. Did you look at the mirror? You have a huge ass scar that was done in your sleep! Do you really think Jackson was the most dangerous thing?"

"Stiles I CAN protect myself! Why don't you believe?!"

"Because I remember the attack you received the night we fought Matt! Were you able to protect yourself, huh? You almost died! In my arms! I'm not willing to live it again!"

"Stiles. I can't hide. Especially if I have a power like this. You need my help. I can feel it, I know it. Please, let me. Let me help you."

Invisible - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now