3x1 - Creatures of The Night

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"Do you really think they'll feel happy to see me? I mean- the last I remember is how angry they were at me. I left all of you. And- I couldn't even come when you were fighting for your lives." I told her as we were standing in the hall. Harry, Lydia, and me. "Honey, I'm sure their longing for you will overshadow their hate. But... I'm not so sure about you, Harry. I think they're pretty angry at you. For taking Rachel away." She joked. But then, when she saw someone in the hall, she caught me by my wrist and started dragging me. So I did the same to Harry. "Thank God! Where have you guys been? The whole senior class is here! Are we doing this or not?" Lydia asked, then revealed me. "I mean, even Rachel is here I think you guys are officially late." 

They were all too stunned. Stiles' face was hard to read, but Scott's was easy. He had that puppy look. He was so excited. "You're back!" He exclaimed, running and pulling me into a hug quickly. "I thought you left us for good! When did you come?" 

"Um... Yesterday night, I guess... I didn't know how you guys would react. I even thought of going back..." I mumbled into Scott's shoulder, he pulled me back as he was shaking his head. "No, no. I'm actually banning you from ever leaving again." I laughed at him, then turned to Kira. "Are you going to keep getting more and more beautiful, every single day?" I said to her, she smiled shyly. "I missed you, Rachel." She said as she mugged. "I missed all of you..." 

"I'm torn apart between if I should kill you for taking Rachel, or if I should hug you for helping her." I heard Scott telling Harry. "Well, I thought I was doing a favor for you guys by taking her... I mean, I wish someone took her from London... She was a pain in the ass." I heard Harry, immediately turning to him. "Oh, am I? Really?" I said, then I cleaned my throat to do my best Harry impression. "I know it is 4 in the morning but I told you, monsters do not pick a time. They might even come when you're sleeping! There is no room for weakness, Rachel! Wake up!" I imitated Harry's accent, adding a little bit of extra. "I was feeling like I was in a military camp!" I joked. As we were all laughing, I turned to Stiles. The hard part. He opened his arms for me, pulling me into his chest. "Welcome back, Rach. It's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back." 

As I pulled away from Stiles, I turned to Malia. Okay. This, was awkward. "Hey, never had much of a chance to spend time with you." I told her with a smile, and she stood there awkwardly. "Yeah, I know about you. You're Stiles' ex." 

"Yeah... And also-" I started, but Harry stepped in before I could finish my sentence. "Also, she's my girlfriend." Why would you say that right now? Not the place and not the time. "Okay, let's go." Lydia said, realizing the tension between the four of us. So as Stiles threw his arm around Malia, and Scott and Kira did the same, Lydia went between us and took my arm. "Well, just because I let you come tonight doesn't mean that we approve you in the pack, Harry." Lydia said. I slightly chuckled, then followed Lydia to the library as Harry was behind me. 

As we all lined up behind each other to write our initials on the bookshelf, I turned to Harry. "Do not ever inject yourself between me and my friends."

"Why do you want Stiles to not know about our relationship? He pokes his' into your eye. Ever since we came back, you've been acting different." 

"Because in London, you were the only person I know. But in here, you're the person I least know." I told him, just before I took the pen from Malia. I left my initial on the shelf and gave it to Harry, then went and stood next to Lydia. When it came to Scott, he left Allison's initials too. "She would have been with us." Stiles told his friend. I nodded. "Yeah..." Allison's death was one of the reasons why I left. I simply couldn't deal with losing her. "She still is." Lydia said, I turned to her. "I feel her too." 

Then we left the library, together. As we were walking, Stiles turned to me. "Your hair looks good, by the way. You dyed it to black, right?" 

"Yeah, yeah I did... I needed some change." I said as I looked down. "As if London wasn't that big of a change..."


"Rachel, honey, there is someone at the door waiting for you!" I heard my dad, calling me from downstairs. "I'm coming, dad!" I said as I rushed down the stairs in curiosity. When I came to the door, in my home shorts and a T-shirt I stole from Stiles a long time ago, I wasn't waiting for the T-shirt's owner to show up. "Stiles?" I said in shock, knowing that I saw him only an hour ago. "I'll leave you two alone." my dad sad with a grin, walking back to his room to look at files he was given to from work. Yeah, my dad was back in the police business! "Is something wrong?" I told him as I thought he would never want to look at my face again, let alone come to my house. "No, no. I was just... Curious. Why are you back?"

"Uh- What?"

"You left, and I was fine with it. I mean, it took a while, but, I got used to you not being alone-"

"Yeah, it must've hurt so bad that it took you only two months to go and be with Malia."

"I'm sorry, what? You were the one who left the country with a boy you met right after we broke up! Oh, wait, I'm sorry. Not just country, you FLED the continent!"

"Yeah, because I had to! But I didn't even hug him once until 4 months ago! I was still mourning us, Stiles! Maybe I was the one that got away but you were the ONE that moved on!"

"What would you expect if I did something like that? Of course, I thought you were together! You left a letter, Rachel! You didn't even say it to my face!"

"If you left me a letter saying that you love me, multiple times, and for ten years, and that you will always, I think I would've thought that you had reasons to leave!"

"Was I supposed to believe that? I think I was right about my assumption, thinking that you two are dating!"

"Yeah, because you dated Malia first! You would've believed that if you answered any of my texts! You and Scott never returned to me!"

"Because assuming you as dead was easier than knowing you left with someone!"

"So... You would've rathered I died instead of just leaving?" I asked, causing a big silence. "Answer, Stiles. Seeing me dead would be greater than me living far away?"

"I didn't-"

"No, you exactly meant that. Stiles, I left because-" No, Rachel. If I tell him the true reason, it would only make him feel more responsible about everything. He had already gone through too many things. "Just- I don't have to tell you anything. I had to leave, and I did. And now, I wanted to come back, and I did. And, I hope you're happy with your girlfriend, Stiles. I wish you the best. But now I have to go because I don't want to be sleepy on my first day of senior year. Good night, Stiles." I said, closing the door quickly to his face. As I leaned on the door, trying to hold my tears back, my dad touched my shoulder. "Why aren't you telling him the real reason?" He said, showing the stains on our floor that were left from that night. "I can't, dad... It would wreck him. I can't tell him that I almost bled to death. He would figure out that I lost control because of everything that happened. No one has to know."

"Sometimes you might think you're protecting someone by hiding the truth but... It hurts them more. You should at least tell Lydia."

"I can't tell anyone. Blaming me won't hurt them as much as learning about the truth."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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