part 21

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****Melinas POV***

About 20 minutes later I heard a truck coming down the road. I look outside the window and see Sams grandpas truck. I walk out the front door and wait for sam to park before I get in.

"Hey." I said putting my seat belt on.

"Hey babe." He said putting his hand on my thigh and started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Remember the cliff Rachel would take us out freshman year?"

"Really??? I haven't been there is forever!!" I said getting excited.

***at the cliff***
***Sammys POV***

The sun is now setting as we pulled up. "Gosh it's even more beautiful then it was before." Melina said as we parked. We both got out of the car. I walked over to her side and grabbed her hand. I lead her to the back of the truck where the pillows and blankets were. "Oh my gosh. You did not!!" Melina said. She has always told me she wanted a date like this so why not?

I jut laughed and kissed her cheek. We both got in and watched the sunset. Her head is on my chest and her arms around my waist. While my arms are around her shoulders and I'm playing with her hair. I looked down at her and she was fast asleep.

***at Melinas house***
*** Aliahs POV***

After about 4 hours at the park we all went back to Mel's. "Sam just texted me and said they are on their way back." Nate said looking at his phone. Right now we are all in the living room watching some movie Nate put in. About 20 minutes later Sam walked through the door carrying sleeping Melina bridle style.

"I'll be right back." Sam said and walked up stairs.

"Oh my gosh that was sooooo cute!!!!" I said.

"You are one weird chick babe." Cameron said putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh I know!" I said laughing.

After the movie ended Mel woke up and we were all just talking."So what are you doing for your birthday tomorrow Mel?" Nate asked."I don't know. You guys won't be here so who knows." She said braiding my hair."we all feel bad that we won't be here for you birthday." Gilinsky said."Its alright, you guys are living out your dreams that's all that matters!" Mel said.

"woah its 3 already. we should probably go to sleep. We have to get to the airport by 9." I said checking my phone. They all agreed and got ready for bed got comfortable and went to sleep.

***Morning***Melinas POV**

We all woke about an hour ago. Everyone woke me up by screaming happy birthday in my ear. we are all eating breakfest Rachel made for all of us.

'Happy Birthday cupcake." My dad said kissing my cheek."Pa what did I say about calling me that around my friends." I said. "But thanks." I said with pancakes in my mouth."Alright guys go get ready your going to have to leave soon!" Rachel said.We all put our dishes in the sink and went up stairs to get ready. I threw y hair up in a messy bun, but on some black leggings, one of sammys sweatshirts and black flip flops. I didn't put any makeup on because it was going to come off anyway from me crying. I walked to Aliahs room and she was wearing almost the same thing instead of a sweat shirt shes wearing a black tank top and her hair is in a french braid. "The guys are already in the car." she said looking at me.

"Okay ready?" I asked. She nodded and we walked outside to get in the cars. Caden Aliah Cameron Sammy and I are all in Cams car and Nate jack and jack are in Gilinskys car. Cam and aliah are in the front seats and Caden Sam and I are in the back. I was sitting in the middle with my head on Sams shoulder and holing his hand tightly. I'm definitely going to miss this boy. Hopefully nothing Will happen between us because I can't lose him. He's the love of my life. "I love you." Sammy said out of no where and kissed the top of my head. "I love you too." I said with a tear going down my cheek. I looked over at Caden noticed me looking and looked up from his phone he smiled grabbed my other hand squeezed it then let go.

we all made it to the air port. The guys got everything out of the cars ans started walking. Sammy grabbed my hand and walked with me. As we were waiting in line to get their tickets I was playing with Sams hand. "Whats wrong babe? Smie its your birthday." Sam said lifting my head to look in my green eyes."I'm going to miss you so much. I just don't wanna lose you. You're my everything." I said looking down again whiping a tear away"Babe you won't lose me. I'll always be here with you no matter what. I love you so much." He said kissing my lips.

***At the gate** Still Melinas Pov***

We are all sitting in the waiting chairs saying nothing. I was laying down with my head on Sammys lap and my legs on Nates lap. "flight number 45 to Atlanta, Georgia is now boarding." The annoying lady on the loud speaker said. We all got up to say goodbye. I walked over to Johnson first and gave him a big hug. "I'm Going to miss you J" I said into his chest."I'm going to miss you too Mel." He said hugging me tighter. He kissed the top of my head and pulled away from our hug."Keep an eye out for Sam please. I don't wanna lose him." I said looking at Sam talking to a beautiful fan the just came up to talk to him."I will Melina. Don't worry about it." Johnson said smiling. I Smiled back and walk to Gilinsky.

"Bye Jacky" I said hugging him tight. "I'll miss you." I said with more tears coming down my puffy pink face."Bye Melina. I'll miss you too." he said letting go of our hug and whipping my tears away with his thumbs. "Remember to keep that beautiful smile on your face." He said kissing my cheek, hugging me one last time before saying goodbye to Cameron. I walked over to Nate and hugged him. We didn't say anything. "Love you Nate." I said letting go of our hug. "Love you too lil sis." He said smiling kissing my cheek and looked over at Sam who was still talking to that fan"It's going to be okay. Just go talk to him." Nate said nodding his head toward Sam. I slowly walked over to Sammy and stood next to him. He didn't even turn or look at me for a minute until the fan looked at me rolled her eyes and kept talking. She had long brown hair bright blue eyes. Her makeup was on perfect. I looked  at Sam and he was looking at her in amazement. The way he looks at me.

"Umm Sam..." I said trying not to be rude."Yes?" He said turning and looking at me."You're about to leave and I want to say bye." I said looking at his beautiful eyes."Oh ya. Um excuse me Adriana." He said to her. We walked away from her and I just stared at him."Why are you staring at me for." He asked."Just getting one last look at my boyfriend before he leaves and meets beautiful girls that will be all over him." I said.

"Babe nothing is going to happen. i love you and only you. No one is going to change that. I promise." He said pulling me into a hug. "Last Call for flight 45!" The lady said again. I pulled away from Sammy gave him one last big kiss and pulled back."I love you." I said."I love you too." He said kissing me one more time before grabbing his bag and walking away. I watched him walking away and by now i was crying tears coming down faster and faster.

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