part 31

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Aliahs POV* after school at the mall*

After school Mel and I went straight to dress shopping. we went to five stores already but s couldn't find any.

"I know this store across town if you want to do to that one?" Melina suggested.

"yeah sure!" I said. we walked out of the store and got in the car.

"it's about an hour drive." Melina said backing out of the parking spot.

"that's fine with me!" I said turning on the radio and 'touchin, lovin' trey songs and nicki minaj was on.

"this is my song!!" Melina said turning it up.
we were jamming in the car when we came to a red light we were singing and dancing when I got a text from Nash.


Aliah😈: what why?

I looked over and saw Nash and Sam looking at me. my eyes went wide.

Aliah😈: oh shit. umm I'll try not to let her.

right as I sent it the light turned green. i sighed in relief.

"what's wrong?" Melina asked paying attention to this road.

"nothing." I said turning the music down a little. "since we have a long car ride. I want to ask you something." I said.

*Sams POV.

as nash and were driving out of the air port. we saw these two girls dancing and singing in the car.

"OH SHIT! THATS MELINA!!" Nash said freaking out.

"relax dude she's dancing not paying attention. just text Aliah." I said staring at Melina. God she perfect even when she's not trying. Nash texted her then the light turned green. and we sped off.

"that was close." Nash said.

"yeah it was." I said running my hands through my hair.

***melinas POV***
We get to the store and a consultant automatically walks over to us. " hello ladies. my name is Sandra, what can I help you with today? " she said.

" we're looking for homecoming dresses. " Aliah said.

" do you have anything in mind ? " Sandra said.

" a strapless short dress " I said.

" and you miss? " she said to Aliah. " A short dress with straps that is a little tight fitting " she said.

" ok right this way. " Sandra said. Sandra took us over to the the dressing rooms. "what are your guys names?" she asked.

"I'm Melina." I said smiling.

"and I'm Aliah."

"okay thank you. so Melina you can go in this dressing room and get undressed and but this robe on." she said hanging me the black robe and pointing to a dressing room door. "and Aliah you do the same." she said point to the door next to mine and handing her a blue robe. "and I'll be back with your dresses!"

a couple minutes later Sandra came back with 3 dresses for me and Aliah. I tried on a teal and black strapless. I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know if I like this one. I shrugged and walked out to show Aliah. as I walked out Aliah came out of her dressing room too. she's wearing a light blue and white with lace short sleeves.

"that's cute on you!" I said.

"I don't know. I'm not feeling it." she said making a "I don't like it" face. "how about you do you like that dress?" she asked.

"I don't think so. it's not me." I said

"it cute but it's not for you..." she said looking at it. I nodded and we both went back to the dressing room. the next on I tried on was a all black dress with sparkles at the top with a puffy tool bottom. I actually really like this one. I walked out to see Aliah already out there in a purple and white dress with a lace top and a tool bottom.

"I'm not feeling this one." Aliah said shaking head. "woah. I really like that one on you!" Aliah said smiling.

"I do to! I have one more so let's see if it can top it!" I said going back. I took off the beautiful black dress and tried on the blue and white tool dress. I looked at my self in the mirror. I was shocked. I love it.

I walked out and Aliah was out there in a all white fitting dress that flared out at the bottom. "you look amazing!!" I said.

"you do too!!!"

"are these the ones?" Sandra said walking up to us.

"this is definitely my dress!" I said smiling! "I just got to find shoes!"

"and I'm absolutely in love with this dress so I agree with Melina. I need some shoes!" Aliah said laughing.

"okay well you girls get changed and we will find some shoes!" Sandra said taking the other dresses out of our dressing rooms. Aliah and I walked back in changed and came back out to find Sandra.

we both found our shoes. payed for everything then got in the car.

"wanna go to Olive Garden?" I asked.

"Yes please I'm starving!"
we got to Olive Garden and sat down.

*aliahs pov*

"so are you excited for homecoming?" I asked.

"yeah" she sighed.

"what's wrong? you're going with the Justin Bieber!" I said looking at her with wide eyes.

"I just feel like I'm going with the wrong guy. you know?" she said looking at her fingers.

"what do you mean the wrong guy?"

"I wanna go with Sammy. I miss him Aliah. I really do." she said looking down. "I just want him back. yeah I know I'm going with the Justin Bieber but it's just not the same." she said looking at me in the eyes. I wanna tell her so bad that Sammy's going to be there. but I can't.

"Melina. I know you miss Sammy. and I know that he misses you too. but you gotta live your life. if Sammy doesn't show up anytime soon then you just need to move on. maybe he's not the right one. just wait it out and go with Justin and have fun. have no worries and you'll be fine. trust me!" I said looking into her eyes.

guys I'm so sorry. i have writers block. and I'm honestly too lazy to update. I'll try to update soon but schools starting soon and softball tryouts are coming up so I have train for that. keep commenting and voting please! I love you guys so much you're the best! and go check out aliah102799 story!!!! bye loves!!

sorry for the mistakes!

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