Part 7

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**Melinas POV**

Right now we are in the middle of the movie. My head is on Sammys stomach, and he was playing with my hair. Aliah and Cameron we cuddling with each other and being super cute. They are honestly perfect for each other.

**after movie**

"I could never get tired of this movie. I love it too much" Aliah said sitting up.

"I love this movie too" I said. "Sammy can we just spend the night it's already 1?" I asked looking at my phone.

"Ya sure. My parents are on a business trip so we have the whole how to our selfs!" He said putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

"Okay I'm gonna text my dad and tell him" I said.

**text to Papa❤️**

Hey papa Aliah and I are staying the night at Sammys! We will be home tomorrow! Love you!

**text from Papa❤️**

Okay! Be careful! Love you too!❤️

"Okay my dad doesn't care." I said putting my phone down.

"So whatcha guys wanna do now?" Cameron asked looking at us.

"Let's go make a cake for now reason!" Sammy suggested.

"Yas!!!" Aliah and I yelled at the same time.

"Do you guys always say stuff at the same time?" Cameron asked.

"Ya most the time. It's kinda weird." Aliah said looking up at Cam. We all walked into the kitchen and started picking out stuff we needed. Sammy looking in the cabinet and found chocolate and vanilla cake mix. Aliah got eggs and milk out of the fridge. Cameron got the flower and sugar while I got out the pans, bowls and spoons and stuff. We all put the stuff on the island that was in the middle of the kitchen.

I started pouring the cake mix in a bowl with some milk when I felt something hit me. I look up to see all of them laughing. I looked down to see flower all over me and Aliahs hand all white with flower. I took some of the flower only hand and through it at Aliahs face.

"OH MY GOD!! MELINA!" Aliah yelled. I was laughing so hard. I took so more and through it at Sammy. My then Sammy through some at me and Aliah through some at Cameron.

***After flower fight**

***Aliahs POV**

We were all covered in flower. It was all over the floor.

"That was fun!!" Melina said sitting in the floor laughing.

"Ya it was!" Cameron said agreeing.

"Now we have to clean this whole thing up!!" Sammy said walking out f the kitchen. A few seconds later he came back with cleaning supplies.

"I'm not cleaning!! I'm gonna go take a shower!" Melina yelled and ran out.

"There's Melina for ya!" I said laughing and grabbing a broom. After about 30 minutes of cleaning we finished. We all went up stairs to get cleaned up. Sammy had 2 showers and Melina was in one of them so I ran to the other bathroom.

***Camerons POV**

Aliah ran to the bathroom before Sammy and I could. So we walked into Sams room to wait.

"So you and Aliah?" Sammy asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I wish dude. I know I just met her tonight but damn she is amazing. I'm gonna wait a little to ask her out because I don't wanna seem so despite." I said

"Well.... Melina told me that Aliah likes you too. So if you want to ask her out sooner then go right ahead my friend. You two are like perfect for each other." Sammy said patting my back.

"You really think so? She's wayyyyy to perfect for me. She's gorgeous and funny and just amazing. Her laugh-" I started to say before Sammy cut me off.

"Cameron! I've never seen you Like this. She's got you hooked!" Sammy said laughing.

**Melinas POV**

"You really think so? She's wayyyyy to perfect for me. She's gorgeous and funny and just amazing. Her laugh-" I heard Cameron say through Sammys bathroom door.

"Cameron! I've never seen you Like this. She's got you hooked!" Sammy said laughing. Oh my god. I knew it!!! Cameron and Aliah are perfect for each other! Ugh!! I can't wait!

I walked out of the bathroom wearing spandex and a cutoff which you could see my sports bra.

"Whatcha guys talken about?" I said putting my clothes down in Sammys dirty clothes hamper.

"Oh nothing.... I'm gonna go take a shower..." Cam said awkwardly and walked into Sammys bathroom with some of Sammys clothes in his hands.

"You heard didn't you?" Sam asked as I sat next to him.

"Ya I did" I said laughing.

"MELINA!!" I heard Aliah yell. I got off Sammys bed and walked to the other bathroom.


"Can you get me some clothes?" She asked.

"Ya sure. Be right back" I said back. I walked back into Sammys room and walked to the closet. I picked out colorful spandex and a dance competition shirt. I walked to the bathroom and opened the door and throw them in.

"Thanks Mel!" She yelled.

"No problem bitch!!" I yelled back and walked back into Sammys room to see Sammy changing.

"Hey Sammy" I said. He was wearing a new basketball shorts and no shirt. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hey babe" he said and turned around. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, God the smile. He started to lean in and so did I. I closed my eyes and felt a pair of soft plump lips on mine. We kissed for a while and pulled away. I put my head on his chest and hugged him.

"I love you." He said and kissed my head.

"Love you too Sammy" I said and kissed his chest.

"AWE!!! You guys a so cute!!!!" I heard from the door. I turned to see Aliah in the door way freaking out.

"Way to ruin the moment Le." I said and chuckled.

"Sorry Mel but that was just so cute I had to" she said laughing. Her and I walked downstairs while Sammy waited for Cam upstairs.

"So I gots some news far ya!" I said.

"Okay. What's up?"

"Well... When I was done getting ready I over heard Sammy and Cameron talking and...."

"And what??" She said

"Well you gotta keep it a secret and don't freak out on me." I said

"Okay okay I won't now hurt up." She said rushing me.

"Cameron like the Cameron Dallas likes you.." I said.

"Trying not to freak out. Trying not to freak out." She whispered over and over again.

"Did you miss us?" We heard Sammy yell from the steps with Cameron.

"Nope not at all" we both said at the same time.

"There you guys go again talken at the same time" Cameron said laughing.

"Hey what can we say? We practically sisters!" We said at the same time again.

"Okay this just getting creepy!" Sammy said.

"Okay so what do you guys wanna do now?"Aliah asked.

"Lets watch horrible bosses. It's Aliahs favorite movie!!" I said.


Holly hell it's hot here. I'm in Puerto Rico right now and omg. I'm dying of heat. I'll update once I get wifi! Bye loves!!

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