Part 3

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~at lunch~
Sammy, Jack, Jack, Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Meghan and I where sitting down at our lunch table talking about random things.

"Hey after Sammy and I go to the mall, you wanna come over and get ready for the party?" I asked Meghan. Meghan is my only "girl" friend in California. Her and I are honestly one of the guys.

"Ya sure. I need to look good for Johnson" she said but whispered the last part.

"Sooo... Who's invited to the party?" I asked.

"All the guys from Magcon, most people from school and who ever you want to invite." Gilinsky said.

"Okay" I said and started eating my delicious food.

I finished eating and as I was about to get up to throw my trash away, Sam grabbed it for me.

"Sam you don't have to do that. I have my own two feet." I said laughing and tried to grab it out of his hand. But instead he put his arm up so I couldn't grab it.

"Ugh fine." I said giving up and turning around.

**Sammy's POV**

Gosh. Melina is just so perfect. I always try to flirt with her, trying to send her a message that I like her but she doesn't seem to get it. I walk back to the table and put my arms around Mel's neck and pulling her back so she could lean on me.

"Hey Mel and I are leaving see you guys later" I said pulling Melina with me.

"Okay bye love birds!!" Johnson said and waved. We walked out of the cafeteria and out in the hallway.

"Why did you bring me out here" she said looking up at me. We just stood there in the middle of the hallway staring at each other.

"I don't know... I just wanted to be alone with you." I said. I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her into a tight hug. She put her arms around my neck pulling me closer. Gosh I love her hugs.

"You smell really good by the way Sammy." She said into my chest.

"Thanks babe. You look beautiful today I forgot to tell you." I said

"Awe thanks babe!" She said. We let go of our hug and started walking to her locker. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our hands together. I saw her blush and smile in the corner of my eye. I turned and kissed her cheek. We got to her locker, she opened it and got her stuff. She stopped what she was doing and stared at a picture hanging in her locker. I turned to see what she was looking at and it was a picture of her and her mom. I know what happened. I looked at Melina, she was starting to tear up. I put my pointer finger under her chin to pull her head to face me.

"Hey babe... It's okay. Shes still here with us. You know she wouldn't want you crying about her. She's looking over at us and smiling. Thinking that You have grown into a beautiful young woman. So please stop feeling sad about this because I'm here for you all the time. I love you Melina." I said pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you Sammy. I love you too." She said. We let go of our hug and started walking to math.


"You ready to go to the mall?" I said putting my arm around her waist.

"Yas I'm so excited. I need new clothes!!" She said jumping up and down. I just laughed at her.

"Okay settle down. I'm diving by the way so give me your keys." I said.

"Um no you are not driving me baby!!" She said taking her keys out and running. I ran after her, and when I was close enough I grabbed on her her waist and picked her up and put her over my shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN SAMMY!!" She yelled

"Nope not till you give me the keys!" I said.

"Please Sammy. I do anything else!!" She said.

"Okay then kiss me." I said hoping she would say yes.

"Really Samuel." She said

"Yes Melina really." I said back.

"Fine. Put me down." She said kicking her legs.

"I should do that more often I like the View" I said smirking.

"SAMMY!!" She yelled punching my arm.

"So where's my kiss?" I said pulling her close.

"You'll get it later" she said running off. Ugh this girl.

I got in on the passenger side. "I'm still waiting." I said putting my hand on her knee.

"Just wait Sammy. I promise I will later." She said.

~skip car ride~

**Melinas POV**

I'm so nervous to kiss Sam. I really like him. But what happens if it ruins our friendship? Oh my gosh I forgot to call Aliah!!!

I stopped walking and grabbed my phone out of my back pocket really fast. Sam looked at me really confused.
I hear a couple rings then she answered.



"Melina!! So guess what?!"




"Ya i know!! I have one more flight, but I land around 6 so could you pick me up?"

"Ya totally!!! I'm so excited!"

"Oh I gotta go my flight is boarding. See you soon!" She said and hung up.

"AHH SAMMY!!!! Aliah is moving here! You can finally meet her!" I said really excited!

"I can't wait babe!" He said smiling. Gosh that smile makes me melt.


I will update more this weekend! Bye loves!

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