Part 2

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As I waited at my locker for Sammy, I leaned my head on my locker and unloocked my phone and went on twitter. I have a lot of followers because of Sammy, Jack and Jack. Yes I'm also friends with them too. I am in a lot of thier Vines and youtube videos. I stared to follow people on twitter when I got a text from my closest friend in Ohio. Aliah.

Le❤️❤️❤️❤️:Hey Mel! I miss you so much I have some news to tell you text me after school. Love you Chica😘

Me:Okay will do! love you too chica😘😘😘😘

Me and Aliah are honestly like sisters. They've known each other since fifth grade and we were together all the time. But once my mom passed and I had to move and we haven't really talked for a while.
As I was looking at my phone I felt hands go over my eyes.

"Guess who?!" Someone Whispered in my ear.

"Sammy I know it's you" I said taking his hands off my face and turning around. I gave Sammy a hug. We hugged for about a minute and then he pulled back. We start walking down the hallway to our first period. He put his arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head on his chest sense I am 2 feet shorter than him. As we were walking down the hallway whispering about us. That's the one thing I hate being popular is that everyone talks about you and it's so annoying.

"Hey you wanna go to the mall today after school?" Sammy asked.

"Ya! I will just tell Chris to ride the bus." I said.

We got to our first class which is Spanish. We get to pick our seats so Sammy and I always sit together. As Sammy and I were talking, Jack and Jack came up to us.

"Hey Melina and Sammy" Johnson said it a girly voice. We all started laughing.

"Oh my gosh I love it when you do that" I said laughing still.

"Aye guys" Sammy said and doing their weird handshake they do.

"So whatcha guys doing tonight?" Gilinsky said wiggling his perfect eyebrows that I'm completely jealous of.

"For the last time Melina and I are just friends dude!" Sammy said. I mean honestly that kinda hurt. I do really like Sammy a lot. The only people who know I like Sammy are Johnson and my friends in Ohio. I can trust them with anything.

"Gosh dude chill... Jack and I were just wondering if you guys wanted to go to our party tonight?" Gilinsky said.

"I'm up for it. Sammy and I were just going to the mall after school. What time does it start?"

"9 sharp."

"Yeah we will be there!" Sam said.

"Alright class get in your seats!!" Mrs.Galarza said.

Class started, it was pretty fun. I love Spanish. I have been taking Spanish since the seventh grade, so know I can speak fluent Spanish. Class was over so know Sam and I are walking to the cafeteria for our free period.

"Hey you wanna help me with Spanish? I don't get any of this..." Sam asked as we sat down at one of the tables.

"Ya sure, I would love to. Why so nervous?" I asked

"I don't know... It's just you speak it all the time with your family and I just feel stupid." He said looking down and biting his lip. Gosh stop doing that😍...

"You don't have to feel stupid about it. I tried hard to learn Spanish so I could talk to my family." I said.

"Okay and then after do you want to go walk around the hallways?" He said.

"Ya sure!" I said. So about 10 minutes later we finished his Spanish homework. We started walking around the hallways we were jumping around doing weird things and going crazy. We are honestly the weirdest people ever.

"Hey so what sports are you trying out for this year?" He asked.

"Umm well I'm already on the cheer team and dance team, I'm trying out for softball." I said. If you can't tell I'm very athletic. I have a 6 pack and everything else , (I wish😂😂) Sammy and I go to the gym almost every day.

"Nice! I'm gonna be honest... It's pretty hot how many sports you do." He said putting his arm around my waist. I blushed and looked down.

"Haha thanks... What's sports are you playing" I asked looking up at him.

"Obviously football. Um basketball, baseball... And I'm helping dance if I can.." He said

"AHHH NO WAY!!! Your helping dance?!? Wait how? Dance is football and basketball season your playing both sports? and you're probably going on tour..."

"Well when I'm on the bench or not playing that game, I'm helping!" He said as we stopped my my locker, he turned so we were facing each other.

"Ahh Sam that's amazing!" I said giving him a big hug.

The bell ring and now it's time for 3rd period. Sam had his social studies stuff in my locker so we got his and mine out. Then we started walking to 3rd period.


Next part will be up this weekend!!! Bye loves! 😘

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