part 8

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  • Dedicated to Alian P. My best friend/sister

***Melina's POV***After laughing the whole movie we all decided to go to bed. Aliah and Cameron are sleeping on the foor with tons and tons of pillows and blankets and Sammy and I are sleeping on the tiny couch. I' d rather sleep on the floor but Sammy wanted to "always wants to be Close to me" like really a woman needs her space. Anyway we all layed down and turned on Dis my Channel. Since it was late at night Hannah Montana was on!

"OH MY GOD IT'S MY FAVORITE SHOW!!!!!" Aliah and I both yelled at the same time again.

"Really again?" Sammy said laughing."What we cant help it!!" Aliah said putting her hands up in surrender."I think it's cute!" Sammy and Cameron said at the same time."See who's doing it now?" I said laughing with Aliah

After we stopped laughing we all fell asleep. I woke up at 4 in the morning. I tried to get out of Sammy's tight grip but he just wouldn't budge."Babe what are you doing?" Sammy asked in his raspy voice. and let me tell you, raspy voice his so freaking hot."I'm going to get a drink. I'll be right back babe." I said turning around to give a kiss."Okay beautiful, hurry up. I wont be able to fall asleep without you in my arms." he said letting me go. I walked into the kitchen got myself a glass of water and stood in the middle of Sammy's kitchen, I looked at the pictures in the wall there were pictures of Sammy and his parents, pictures of there wedding. They looked so happy. My mom and dad were never married, so never expriened my paents always together and having real family time together. I finished my glass of water put the glass in the sink and walked back into the living room.

"Babe hur- Are you okay?" he interpted himself. I didnt reaize that I was crying."Ya I'm fine, my contacts are dry so my eyes are Watering." I Said whiping my eyes.

"on okay. "Sammy said unconvinced I hayed back to him."Good night babe I love you." he said in my ear and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight hun, I love you too." I said back. after staring at the wall i felt my eyes start to get heavy and i fell asleep.

***Sammys POV***

I know Melina was lieing when she said her contects were dry because she didnt look at me when she answered and she looked really sad. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I'm totally in love with Melina. Even though we started dating yetsterday (its 4 in the morning) I've known her for 4 years and the first time i saw her i knew had to be friends with her, maybe even more. now shes mine. I love her with all my heart. i know shes the one.

**next morning**

**Camerons POV**

I woke up Cuddling with A beautiful girl. She looks so Perfect when shes sleeping. She doesnt even have to try.

"Wake up beautiful." I said and Kissed her forehead

"Morning" She said but still hasn't opened her eyes

"open your beautiful eyes" I Said

"my eyes aren't beautiful. They are an ugly shade of brown. and brown is the color of poop./"she Said laughing causing me to laugh."you don't take complements do you?" I asked laughing.

"nope not really... well sometimes." She Said laughing again. "well that's gonna have to Change!" I Said looking at her. "anyway would you like to goon A date with me tonight" Tasked getting nervous.

" Of course! What time Should I be ready? "

"6:30!" I said

"Okay Perfect!" She said Smiling. Gosh her smile. . .


I know its a short chapter but since its Christmas i thought i should update for you guys! Sorry for the Mistakes! It does even seem like Christmas here in Puerto Rico because its so warm. Anyway love you guys so much!!!!😘😍 (btw im on my new laptop!!!!!)

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