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Are you paying attention?

I want to tell you something.

It's a story..... about finding strength within yourselves.

And it starts with a boy and a girl...


Royal palace of Megara, Carnelia

The sun had already set, but the golden lights still found its way through the grand windows and balconies, falling on high alpha king James as he walked down the corridors of the royal palace of Megara, towards the prayer room.

Guards and maids congratulated him left and right, and he could barely contain his enormous smile from spilling over his face. The general populous was not yet aware of the exact specifications, and he knew once the news spread, not everyone will be as happy as they are now, but to James it did not mater. The kingdom of Carnelia had received a magnificent gift today who would be prized and honored till the end of times.

Finally, he took the last turn and walked into the beautiful prayer room. The guards stationed outside confirmed that the person he was seeking was indeed inside.

And she was.

Kneeling on the altar, with her tiny head bowed down towards the river Kaili, was a little girl with rich brown waves falling over her shoulders. With her back towards her father, she had not yet realized his presence and continued to prey with concentration.

Surprised by the two-year-old's intense focus, James was extremely curious about the subject of her prayers. Alpha princess Leanna was not exactly the peaceful kind. Well behaved, but not sit-in-one-place-for-hours. Most alphas weren't. But from what he had heard from Leanna's maids, the girl had been here since morning.

James quietly went down and sat down on the altar steps next to her before bending forward to give her a fatherly kiss on her hair.

Leanna looked up with a start before breaking into a toothy smile. "Fa'her!"

James grinned down at her. "Hello sweety! I didn't get to see you at all today!" He stood up taking her in his arms.

After another kiss and tickle attack, James finally asked the question that had been bugging him. "So what were you praying to Kaili for, princess?" He asked as he started walking back from where he had come from. He couldn't wait to show Leanna a massive yet little surprise.

Leanna gave out the most worn-out sigh of all times and shook her head, which made the king chuckle. "I was prayhin fo the baby to be n alpha like me. I don't wan' an omega!"

James stopped short as if Leanna had just slapped him.

Burying his growing unease, he once again gave his daughter his complete attention. "Sweety, didn't mommy and I explain it to you that it doesn't matter whether it's an alpha or an omega. That we all will love the baby no matter what, just like we love you? Why do you not want an omega?" He asked.

For the second time within a minute, James had to shove his surprise down into his gut when Leanna started full on crying. "Bu' I do wan' an omega, or alpha. Bu' they said it would be better if t'wasn't an omega! They said, you and mommy will haf to kill the baby if t'was an omega! And I don't want my bro'her or sissy to die!" She finished with a loud wail.

James immediately hugged her daughter close and rocked her, mentally cursing whomever had fed all that nonsense to her. "Woah! Woah! Woah! one is killing anyone! Calm down!"

It was true, the world wasn't as accepting of omegas as compared to alphas, but Carnelia was different. In his kingdom, both second genders almost got equal respect. And James was trying his best to remove that 'almost' from the statement too.

Leanna sniffed and muttered. "Bu' they said you will have no choice! Tha... that omegas were weak....and that killing the baby will actuahlly be a blessing for the baby! How can that be true?"

Well someone was going to get fired today.

James was literally boiling with anger by this point. Which person in his or her right mind could even think of saying such things to a two-year-old!?! Leanna was too young to be exposed to the cruelty this world had to offer! But his voice was soft as he kneeled down and stood her up in front of him.

"Leanna, that is not true at all! Tell me, your mother is an omega too! Do we not love her still?"

Leanna nodded enthusiastically before holding her tiny hands apart. "This whole much!"

James smiled. "Then why would we not love your sibling even they are an omega?"

Leanna shrugged. The kid was growing up too fast.

James continued with a sigh. Maybe he should open her eyes a little bit. "It is true, there are many people in the world who are bad too omegas, and can hurt them. But that just means that they need to change their way of thinking! And in the meantime, we will do our best to protect all the omegas who need a little bit of help! Isn't that right, precious?"

Leanna mulled over it a bit before nodding. "Okay fath'r."

With that issue resolved, he picked her up once more and travelled all the way back to his chambers and quietly entered the room.

Inside, on the bed, lay his tired yet glowing wife. And in her arms, she held the newborn infant. With his heart filling up with love, he kissed Leanna before murmuring to her. "Darling, meet your new baby brother- Harry! He is an-"

Leanna slammed her tiny hand on his mouth with a happy grin. "I no care fa'her. I jus' love him. And I will protect him no matter what! Be it alpha or omega!" She said decisively before wriggling out of his arms and tumbled towards Lehya and Harry.

No one needed to know about the tears James secretly wiped off as he smiled proudly at his daughter. She was going to be a fine ruler one day. But not now.

Now, she and Harry had all the time in the world to grow and play and enjoy their lives. He and Lehya were there to take care of both them. They were safe.


Row row row your boat

gently down the stream

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