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12 YEARS AGO ( From present- post battle of Ivizli)


"It keeps slipping down!"

Harry complained from where he was sitting on the bed as Leanna tried adjusting halo crown on his head. Her own ceremonial golden gown swishing below her. They had had to make a new one specially for her. The original one used by carnelian queens was far too big.

Harry's crown was smaller than hers. She was yet to receive her own. Today was her coronation. And she was extremely nervous. It was a huge responsibility after all.

But she had to do this. For her brother.

She finally managed to settle the gilded crown on his head. The prince's halo crown was indeed, big. It was only slightly smaller than the crown of the monarch. The crown, Leanna would be wearing in a short while. She sighed at the thought.

Harry, being the sensitive little brother he was, pulled her down to sit next to him and put his arms around her shoulder. He was still shorter than her at nine years old. But Leanna was confident he would grow up to be a tall and beautiful man. Not that she would ever admit it in front of him! The sacred code of siblinghood should never be broken!

"I miss them." Harry murmured, getting that faraway look in his eyes. 

It was sad. And it had been like that since the day their parents had died, leaving them so young and alone. Leanna also felt the sadness. And the anger... She was angry with so many things! So many people!

Like Harry, she didn't understand why the farmers had to kill their parent's. Carnelia had seen protests before, but the problems were always sorted out peacefully. How did it turn so violent?

"I miss them too." Leanna kissed his brother's temple, who quickly wiped the area with a pout, making her grin. 

Harry was so adorable at times. But that again made her think back to what had happened two year ago. Harry had been so young. He still was so young. In fact, Leanna intuitively knew that Harry still fully hadn't realized what had happened to him.

But one day soon, he would.

And that might very well break him.

Leanna took a deep breath. No! She was not going to lose Harry too. Both of them had lost enough as it is. From now on, they were going to fight! They were going to protect each other!

They were the Styles! They were the lions! That was what this day was for. To show the world that they were ready. That she was ready! That's why she had forced her uncle to make her queen, so that she alone will be responsible for their fates and no one else!

She stood up and pulled Harry down beside her and made him look in her eyes. "Do you know a secret Harry?"

According to uncle Harley, Harry was not supposed to be told about this until he came of age... But deep down, she felt it was the right thing to do.

Harry looked up at her with wide green eyes. "What secret?"

Leanna gave him a dazzling smile. "You know how my eyes and hair, and your eyes and hair, shimmers as though glitter has been sprinkled over them?" She waited for him to nod, biting her lips when the crown dropped again. "You see, dad had it too! And his mum before!"

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