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'Behind this soft exterior, lies a warrior'

Deniese, Rosales

The heavy stone doors boomed open in the war room, silencing the tensed crowd.

The stone room was alight with scones and chandeliers and its occupants looked on with anticipation, fear, and one tiny drop of hope. Rulers from all over Alamain with their most trusted advisors and generals had assembled in the royal palace Rosales. All there because of the request of one person. 

One person... different names.

Harry took a deep breath before marching into the pit of wolves. His dark cloak swishing behind him and the familiar mask secured to his face after nearly nine months. 

All pairs of eyes followed arrival, watching each step with fascination. He could feel the weight of an entire continent resting on his shoulder.

Well...almost entire.... Torrenheim had altogether stopped communication with every other nation. But apart from Hans, all ruling kings and queens had readily accepted to this meeting when they had received the letter from Edward in some cases, and from the Wolf in others.

Harry walked till the center of the room and looked around the faces. Some as young as his like the new Queens of Vaishali and Mashask, while some old and experienced as the king of Adresse. But one thing was common in all of them. They wanted to hear what he had to say. They wanted to place their trust on him. They wanted to know if he could lead them in their hour of need.

But before Harry could do that, they all deserved to know the truth. An alliance formed out of honesty.

Harry sighed out slowly, calming his nerves for what he was about to do. There was no Leanna next to him now. But he had Louis. Then in a loud voice, he started off the meeting.

"FRIENDS! ALLIES! Listen well and listen true! The High Garium army is coming for us. The north has already lost the sovereign state of Carnelia. And just like Carnelia fell, EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US WILL FALL," He paused. "Unless, we join TOGETHER and FIGHT BACK! Defeating them for once and for all!!!

"Fighting without trust? We'll kill each other even before the Garium swords touch our necks!" The queen of Emonak glared at Ariades, who was standing in the opposite side of the room with Louis and lord Harley.

Harry turned to face her and looked her directly in the eye, making her gulp. The wolf mask was excellent for theatrics. Zayn would probably like it a lot.

"I agree." He said with empathy. "It is difficult to fight when you don't trust the person standing right next to you in battle." He looked at the king of Rosales. "But we must. For the sake of our lands and our people."

He turned towards his uncle. "Eight months ago, we faced a similar threat from the south. Most of you weren't there in that battle. But I was... And do you know what I saw? People, who absolutely hated each other, working together to defeat the High Gariums!!! High queen Leanna needed help, and the rulers rallied their forces. They proved, if they were to be led by someone worthy of their trust, they were willing to set aside their differences and work together!"

The king of Adresse stepped forward, his eyes calculative. "That is indeed true. But Leanna is missing. And the alliance died with the Carnelian prince. Our hands lay heavy with his blood."

Harry swallowed and then looked towards Louis, who gave a single nod. His eyes swimming with love and confidence.

Well here goes the nothing.

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