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'We can start it all over again.'

-PART 3-

POV: Louis

If looks could kill, Zayn would have died ten times over by now. Louis made sure of it.

As soon as the messenger from Zayn accompanied by a very much alive and frantic Niall appeared in the royal court of Lysandra with information regarding the delusional plans the two omegas had hatched, Louis himself had rushed to Raveria with his best warriors. Based on Zayn's instructions, he only had a short window to succeed. The joviality of Harry's existence was wiped away by the stark fear of losing not only him, but Zayn too.

He couldn't believe the nerve of the two omegas! It was a suicide mission! Of course, given Harry's track record, he shouldn't have been too surprised. And Zayn... was Zayn. He did what he wanted. But still! 

Would it kill them to think things through for once!

And the worst part? Louis was well aware that Leanna actually wasn't there is Raveria, but somewhere quite different. But that wasn't important right now.

Their rescue team had intercepted Zayn's men by the ocean cliffs, from where they had used the secret passages to enter the fortress. Niall was of immense help as he had led Louis and his men straight too Harry without sounding a single alarm. And whatever straggling guards they did come across, Louis and Liam were quick to put down.

But as he stepped inside the crowded room, Louis felt his heart break all over again.

Louis rushed into the chamber, stabbing men left and right to make his way straight towards the omegas. The old parchments below his feet turning red. Finally, he skidded next to Zayn and pulled a very pale Harry into his arms. The veil fell away and his glittering rich curls came cascading down. 

The empty vial dropped from Harry's grasp and dropped to the floor. 

"Harry!.... No.... wake up darling! You need to wake up. It's all over now. You are safe!!! Please..." Louis whispered, his own heart beating out of his chest. He had just got him back... he couldn't lose him. Not again. 

Louis hugged him tightly too his chest while pressing kisses to his temple and rocking him gently. "You're okay... You have to be okay!" Looking down, Louis saw only slivers of his carnelian eyes. He was wearing lenses. Carnelian colored lenses.

A new sort of pain stabbed his guts. Louis felt sick to his stomach. 

"M'sorry." Harry's voice was so faint that he nearly missed it.

"It's fine love..." Louis whispered back with a broken smile. "It's okay. We're here now...Together." Louis bit his lips as Harry's eyes became dazed once more. His white face a stark contrast to the crimson blood he was drenched in. But Louis didn't mind that as he softly rubbed circles to his back.

Zayn was saying something to him but Louis couldn't listen to him. Not right now. Harry's body was growing heavier and heavier in his arms. But he held on. Louis caught a few more incoherent whispers of apologies from the boy and then, his eyes closed. His body went completely limp as his head fell onto his chest.

Louis froze. Fear seeping into his bones.


"No! Oh No, no, no, no, no...Harry, wake up!!!" Louis sobbed out, his eyes blurring with tear. "Please wake up!...You have to wake up! I cannot lose you! Not again!" Louis shook him lightly, his hands cradling his head. His heart felt like it was being brutally torn apart! The pain too raw. His cheeks were wet with tears but Louis refused to give up. He had just gotten him back! How could he lose him again?

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