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Timora, Valium

POV: Louis

Louis wasn't joking when he said that the people of Timora were a little wonky.

Liam's reservations about leaving Zayn and Louis behind was justified, but it had to be done. They had two missions in Timora. One was convincing the district lord to join in the rebellion. 

The second - a meeting with an envoy from Carnelia.

From his time as the prince, Louis knew that gaining support of a fellow monarch was vital if he planned on staging a coup. And the Styles queen was the best option. The only option actually, considering King Hans and Muller wouldn't even piss on him to save his life if he were on fire.

So it was decided. Liam would go and speak to the lord, while he and Zayn met with the foreign envoy.

Things started off all right. Both of them reached the town square where the envoy was supposed to meet them. But everything went south just after they saw the man marry the kiwi.

Yup... A Kiwi. In Timora, that was actually a thing. Louis was aware of it. Zayn wasn't.

So while Louis managed to keep his emotions in check and greet the newly wedded couple passing by with a polite smile, Zayn skeptically pointed out a flaw in their holy matrimony. "But the fruit will rot within days! What will you do then? This is stupid."

The man was not pleased. "Did you just insult my wife?"

"No, absolutely not!" Louis tried to pull Zayn away. "Your wife looks ravishing!"

Zayn didn't move an inch. "Kiwi is a fruit! And fruits are perishable. Your. Wife. Will. Perish!"

"Did you just threaten my wife?"

Louis prayed with his eyes for Zayn to back down...

Zayn did not back down. "Don't need to! There are things like biology and time which will do that for me. Sir, It's a fruit. It'll be gone in days!"

The man became even more incredulous. "So, you are telling me that you are planning on eloping with my new wife with your friends Time and Biology!?!" He clutched his Kiwi protectively.

"NO! Not at all!" Louis began dragging the omega away. "Our friends Time and Biology are not even in Valium at the moment, Isn't that right Zayn?"

The slippery omega ducked out of his arms and snatched the fruit right out of the husband's grip. "THIS. IS. A. FRUIT! Not a person! You can't marry a fruit!" And  then, as if to elucidate point, Zayn bit off a part of it. "You eat it!"

The husband gaped at Zayn. "You ate her?"

Zayn nodded with a solemn face. "I ate her."

And that was how Louis found himself in prison with Zayn, charged with cannibalism and misconduct. It didn't make any sense, but that was just how things were in Timora. Even Lionel stayed away from this place. But that was weird, considering he too, had married a weapon... 

And no. It wasn't just a figure of speech. There had been an official ceremony and everything. The current High omega of Valium was a double-edged sword named Calcasia.

Thankfully, the news was not public information.

"Don't look at me like that!" Zayn complained from where he sat in the opposite corner of the holding cell.

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