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POV: Louis

After their short respite in Rosales, it was soon time to return back home. The final declaration of war had been issued by the High Gariums, this time to Vaishali. All the rulers under the alliance had immediately started gathered up their troops and started towards the said country. It was also clear that Torrenheim was not coming to their aid, as all efforts to contact them had failed completely. Which was greatly worrying. 

The area of battle was chosen at the border between Vaishali, Valium and Carnelia, near the tiny transit town of Ivizli. The town was quickly evacuated as tents were set up to house the massive forces. The one-month gap following the death of the High Garium prince provided ample time for preparations and the north was now ready.

After leaving Deniese, Louis had returned to Lysandra with Harry. From there, they had made their way to Ivizli with the entire forces Valium. The reports were that the High Garium was not holding back this time and were coming at them with everything they had. And the retaliation was also going to be huge.

If they succeeded, High Garium empire would fall. If they failed, then all the nine kingdoms would cease to exist, and the whole of Alamain would be seized by the High Gariums.

No pressure. 

But as Louis glanced around the planning tent, he felt an immense sense of pride. For the first time in history, all the eight kingdoms were united. Harry, with Zayn by his side were rapidly passing instructions. The two had been practically inseparable ever since they had returned from Raveria. Harry also seemed to have this glow on his face, which Louis considered was due to his happiness. 

They were much closer now. He and Harry had made love a countless time since that night in the tavern, and both of them had developed a special kind of synchronicity, working together as a team seamlessly. As if one could read the other's mind.

On Louis' suggestion, the poisoning technique was again brought into consideration. Aileen, the new alpha queen of Vaishali, was jumping around in joy when it was decided to contaminate the enemy's food and water supplies. Unlike last time, there was no risk of a second wave, so a lot of different tactics were down in the planning table.

Another added advantage was that between Louis, Harry and Aileen- They were familiar with the battle terrain and environment, while the High Gariums were fighting in enemy territory.

On the other hand, the High Garium army was much larger than theirs. And King Rannegon was extremely pissed off after the death of his brother. Louis was worried that he might do something horrible to get back to them, for news had leaked out that Harry was alive. And if Zayn and Harry were correct about the rattrap in Raveria set up specifically for Harry, the Gariums still wanted the royal omega. And that was not good.

The night before the battle, as they exchanged another burning round of passion, Harry kissed Louis and said. "You better come back to me safe! You hear me!"

Battle grounds filled with Death and violence was no place for omegas. So both Zayn and Harry were to stay behind in the camps while everyone else rode off to fight. After a grudging round of discussion, almost everyone had agreed that no matter what, an omega could not be allowed in the battle field.

Louis interlaced his fingers with Harry's. The future was uncertain yet again, but they had to have hope. "I will. You prayed for us again right? Like you did in Raveria?" His mind drifted back to the ethereal figure in white, floating over the calm water. While the mahogany curls glittered in the starlight.

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