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Don't worry about the map too much. Everything will become clear in time.  Also, first day treat- double update!

POV: Harry

The sun had yet to show its golden visage over the vast country of Carnelia. But the royal palace at the capital city of Megara was bursting with fervent activity. Chariots and horses pulling carts of food and ammunitions were stationed, ready to begin its two-day long march south towards the border city of Raveria. The anxiety and excitement, both engaged in a duel with each other over the situation which had befallen their noble nation. All that was left now was the arrival of the High alpha Queen and the Omega Prince themselves to lead the battalion.

"Will you just stop poking me and wasting your time on such petty matters?! Get on your damn horse already!" Harry muttered cuttingly, addressing his older sister. His eyes following her as she checked and double checked ......and triple checked his paraphernalia for the journey and battle. "I am not a child anymore and am more than capable in these matters!" The said matter referred to his garments filled with hidden and not so hidden weapons.

Niall often joked he was a walking-talking armory.

Harry often tried to stop himself from punching Niall.

Keyword being tried.

"Oh, Shut it!" Leanna replied as she did a final inspection and straightened her younger brother's halo crown and kissed his forehead. "You always are and always will be...... My greatest-pain-in-the- arse younger brother!"

Harry smiled. "My proudest achievement sis.... Worked really hard for it! Remember that time with Count Miret and the horse manure!"

Leanna tried to glare, but failed miserably. Glaring was a rather a difficult feat to achieve when Niall was busy chortling right next to her. His laugh was infectious. Harry couldn't blame him either. The count had stank of poop for weeks. That's what you get for undermining the prince.

"Served him right though. Saying omegas aren't capable of governing a nation. If only he knew what Harry-" The blond-haired blue-eyed man was cut off by the glare from the High alpha queen.

Niall cleared his throat and looked down.

Harry sighed. "Let It be Leanna. We need to go now. We don't exactly want to be late for a war. Now that would be truly embarrassing."

Leanna looked away with anger in her eyes and marched out of the royal chambers without another word. Niall and Harry were swift to follow.

Harry knew it had been hard for Leanna. She loved him so much but couldn't help him because of the laws. The thing was, omegas weren't supposed to rule nations or make laws, much less accompany the army to war. In fact, there was so many restrictions that there actually was a book about it. Omega Rights was the title. That's right, four hundred and forty-six pages of drab which essentially concluded that omegas did not, in fact, have any rights. He should know. The paper quality was good to practice his origami skills. And truly insightful art that. If folded properly, a paper can be morphed into a deadly dagger.

Basically, every moment of his life had been spent breaking those particular rules. He was a skilled warrior and a general. He was also smart and resourceful when he came too rule. He had grown up shadowing his older sister and both of them had been groomed to become good people before becoming anything else. That had been their parents' priority. And their tutors respected that even after their deaths. High alpha king James and High royal omega Lehya had lost their lives almost twelve years ago during an uprising. It opened up a difficult road for the siblings, but they got through.

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