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"...Cause I wanna be free, And I wanna be young.

I'll never look back now I'm ready to run."

'Run' doesn't always mean running away...

'Run' doesn't always mean running away

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Deniese, Rosales

POV: Harry

Harry accepted the job proposal. It was a sweet deal.

Turned out, the battle of Raveria had done a number to Wolf's fame. In all of Alamain, there was not one ruler who did not want Wolf to be their personal strategist. And after the horse load of poop in the Carnelian court three months prior, word had spread that Leanna had lost its strategist due to the shaming of the royal omega. Ever since, all nations had been on the lookout, trying to catch the sharpest mind in the continent.

No wonder King Ariades looked like he had won the lottery.

He thought he had caught the Wolf. Little did he know he also had the undead prince of Carnelia. It was a package deal... But Harry was more than happy to keep the royal omega half a secret.

Initially, Solaris and Ivory were held as hostage to ensure Harry would comply. But both parties soon realized that it was quite unnecessary. Harry found out the position was actually of his advantage.

Rosales was an ally of Carnelia, so none of his assignments were harmful to his motherland. Moreover, Rosales wasn't too keen on killing everybody else. Far up north, they only had minor skirmishes here and there and Harry was more than happy to smooth things over and negotiate peace.

Ariades actually turned out not to be a complete psychic murderous jerk. He was a jovial fellow with a slight (heavy) streak of eccentricity. He was loud though, in both actions and words. He was also not in support of the entertainment deaths, but prior attempts at shutting down the evil practice had resulted in protests and instability, so he had let it continue. The people of Rosales simply loved blood. But with Harry's help, he managed to water down the craze.

The only major problem Rosales faced, came from the next-door kingdom of Emonak. Both kingdoms had a long history of hate and violence. But over the course of next five months, and with multiple rounds of negotiations, the two countries were finally at peace. They were not friends exactly, but now they tolerated each other with respect. And that made two monarchs very happy and Harry extremely popular.

Ariades respected Harry's terms. The wolf mask was given back and kept a secret. Edward was the name he used while carrying out the dealings while Wolf was still underground. Figuratively speaking, as compared to his time as Wolf, his hands were much less bloodied as Edward.

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