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City of Lysandra, Valium


Louis should have known better.

But at the same time, how could he have predicted that he would be getting stabbed in the back, in the middle of the night, in a secluded corner of a sleeping city when even the moon was dead!

Yeah...he should have known better.

Valium was floating... Barely. Louis' father king Zacron, was not the greatest of ruler. He was a strong alpha, no doubt, but his only goal in life was to... 'Show those Adresse and Torrenheim bitches who is the real alpha with a capital A!'

So constant unneeded war was the normal Louis grew up in. Being the younger of the two alpha princes, his father allowed him to stay away from the battlefield and be next to his mother and guard her, who was the real person ruling the kingdom. His older brother Lionel on the other hand, was married to his sword and regularly bathed in blood.

The two brothers barely knew each other because of the physical and emotional distance between them. Lionel was always in some battle field with the king. While Louis stayed in the capital and learnt how to manipulate lords and ambassadors in order to feed his people and maintain peace.

Omegas weren't really supposed to get involved in the administration of nation, but his mother knew how to manage without an alpha just fine. 

Louis was very close to his mother, the omega queen. His love and respect for her knew no limits. He aspired to be like her, and his mum made sure that her son grew up learning peace rather than violence. 'Valium needs an empathic ruler', she would say. "Valium needs you."

But that love was snatched away by the fates. The fifteen-year-old alpha left distraught when she passed away unexpectedly barely a month ago.

But even in mourning, he did not have peace, for his father pulled off an extremely terrible move.

Forced conscription in the army for alphas and betas as young as fourteen! And being the only peacekeeper left in the entire family, he was forced to sweep up the blood left on his father's and brother's wake.

All attempts to reason with them also failed. Mostly because they rarely graced him with their esteemed presence. They were too busy for simple things like peace! In fact, Louis was positive that the only reason they ever saw him, was because of his mother. And now that she was gone, the king had no real use for the younger boy. Apart from looking after the kingdom in his absence that is.

Louis sighed as pulled his back attention to the problem at hand. The ten main district lords were protesting vehemently against the new laws passed by his beloved father in spite his repeated warnings. Louis was pretty sure that the twenty-eight other minor district lords were equally against it but the fear had kept them from opening their mouths.

What Louis did not understand was how come Adresse and Torrenheim also continued with this stupidity? It was not like any of the three kingdoms were fighting for land. The Gods had ensured that the land and its ruler remained connected. If all members of the royal family containing the land's essence died, the land died with them.

In short, if somehow Louis, Lionel and Zacron died before the next generation came up, Valium would dissolve into a dessert.

Such bindings created awful situations when thrones was occupied by grand specimens like his father and brother. But there was nothing Louis could do rather than help his citizens to the best of his ability. But without anyone to support him, things were getting difficult. 

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