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This is it guys... the showdown.

Ivizli, Vaishali


Harry woke with a start and caught his sheathed sword automatically when Zayn threw it at him. He looked around in tired confusion while thunder roared outside. He realized he must have had fallen asleep. He wasn't too surprised as he had had it rough the night before. Being sick was not fun.

When he had woken up and discovered about the pregnancy, his mind had literally short circuited. There was a life growing inside of him. Something he had created with Louis. A fruit of their love. He was a little young to have kids, but no one knew it better than him as too just how unpredictable life could get. 

He was happy with the gift. Although it was difficult to get his mind around it, after years of conviction that it would never happen. He couldn't believe the amount of love he already felt for his child. A tiny little baby completely depended on him for everything.

His free hand automatically went to his flat stomach as Zayn all but pulled him out of the bed and dragged him to where their horses were stationed. A chosen handful of Valium and Carnelian warriors following the royal omegas. The wind was quickly picking up. A storm was coming.

With growing unease, Harry quickly attached the sheath and the belt around his waist. "What's going on? Is Louis..." His voice broke. He couldn't finish the sentence. The thought unimaginable. But that wasn't possible. Louis was an extremely skilled warrior. And they were winning! Harry firmly believed nothing could bring Louis down. He himself certainly couldn't. Not unless he was being sneaky. And Harry was always sneaky.

When it came to muscle power and brute force, omegas tended to have a big disadvantage. So warriors like Harry and Zayn tended to tended to resort to other...methods. But while practice sparring with Louis, Harry had soon come to realize, that the alpha too was experienced in the shady department. And Harry had a good suspicion whom to blame for that!

Zayn shot him a worried look as he quickly prepared his horse and gestured Harry towards Solaris, who was busy crunching apples. From where was she even getting those apples?

"I don't know anything about Louis or our men... They were led further away than ever before and now, it looks as if the High Gariums flanked them from behind! But instead of going after the army, they..."

"...they are coming for us." Harry felt cold sweat run down his spine. Dread settling in his stomach as his hands stilled on Solaris's reins. Even the horse paused chewing and looked up. That's how bad the situation was.

Harry snapped out of his daze and quickly went into high alert.

Flanking was an old battle tactic where a part of the army came up from behind the enemy lines and attacked from the back. None of them had even considered the absurd idea because of the dwindling numbers of the Garium army. But Harry had didn't get any more time to ponder over the outlandish tactic as the roar of the approaching hoard reached his ears.

They were already here.

Zayn ordered. "QUICK! RUN!" His eyes wide with fear as he looked at Harry. His cloak bellowing in the sharp wind.

Harry didn't get a chance to even check the harness properly as he was  helped onto Solaris's back and the mare started galloping away instantly, right behind Zayn's black stallion. The guards taking up the rear.

He tried hard not to think of what was going on in the camp. They were caught completely unaware and unprepared! They had soldiers in the camp but it would take time, precious time to make sense of what was happening before they could arrange themselves and retaliate.

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