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"Pay attention, I hope that you listen

'Cause I let my guard down

Right now I'm completely defenseless

For your eyes only

I'll show you my heart."

"I want you to make love to me."

Louis froze.

That was not what he had expected to come out of Harry's mouth.

Not that he wasn't interested or anything. He definitely was interested! He had been dying to make that final connection with Harry ever since he had got him back. But he understood that there was something holding him back. And Harry had the right to take all the time he needed.

Harry must have taken his silence as rejection for his face fell. "If you want to, that is..."

Louis mentally cursed himself as he swooped down to capture those soft rosy lips. Harry was evidently caught off guard, but quickly jumped aboard.

The kiss was passionate and all consuming! Louis pulled Harry up so that he was now straddling his legs, and wrapped his hands tightly around the omega's waist. His tongue sweeping across Harry's lips to ask permission into heaven. And Harry opened his mouth readily. Louis dived in, exploring and excavating the new territory.

Harry let out a delicious whine as threw his arms around Louis neck, as if to hold himself up, their bodies fitting together perfectly. Louis' left hand slowly slid up his back and grasped his silky hair, tilting his face slightly so that he could dive deeper into the deep, wet heat. His right hand reached down to the hem of the cotton tunic, bunching up the cool fabric in his burning fingers. The need to feel skin intense.

Both of them pulled back for air, and looking at Harry's darkened eyes and flushed face made Louis' blood rush south. But before Louis could dive right back in, Harry swallowed hard and and turned away his face.

"There is something you must know.... Before we go any further."

The way he said it, made Louis stop. His hands stilled. But he did not loosen his grip on Harry even by a fraction as they both remained seated on the bed.

Harry looked down and closed his eyes. His voice ached, as if his very soul was disturbed by what he had to say. "You remember in the war room, while I was telling about how Karhine had captured me, before Leanna discovered and killed him? Before he could touch me?"

The temperature in the room dropped rapidly as he waited for Harry to continue.

Harry let out a resigned sigh. "I lied, Lou. I have been lying for twelve years... Leanna was too... too late."

Louis felt his heart thundering out of his chest. Realization drew in slowly. The missing piece was staring right back at him, but he didn't dare to look up and see it. It couldn't be. It shouldn't be. "Harry?"

The omega buried his face into his chest, his body trembling slightly as he finally replied. "He raped me, Lou... He messed up my medicine and he-  and then he  r-raped me..... I Though... I trusted that... I didn't even realize what was happening! Didn't realize the true extent of it until years later. I was too y-young to understand and I... I was... I was so terrified!"

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