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Fortress at Raveria, Carnelia

POV: Harry

"This better be worth it Harry!" Niall grumbled behind him as Harry sneakily led him around the fortress to the place he was looking for. "I am missing out on my lunch! Which just happens to be the most important meal of the day!"

Harry scampered off towards the bank of the artificial Kaili channel. There were steps sinking into the river water which flowed through the fortress. This was where he and Leanna had begun their new lives. 

"Didn't you say the same thing about breakfast? And dinner? And post-dinner dinner? And.."

"Shush princess, leave the food department to the expert!" Niall sniffed.

Harry shook his head.

In the past few days, he and Niall had gotten really close. Every morning, Niall would be there to pull him out of Leanna's room and drag him around looking for trouble. He never left his side and Harry felt...safe. He was also getting better at not flinching every time Niall touched him. And he was...happy. It was nice feeling, to be happy. It made you bouncy and light and the colors sparkled in the world once again.

Being Happy was great!

The only thing causing him disappointment was that Leanna no longer had the time to goof around with him anymore. She was always busy with some grown up stuff  or the other. Which was confusing because Leanna was a just a kid. 

Well, at least he had a new friend now. And soon, he too will become a strong grown-up and he and Leanna would become a team once more. An undefeatable team because they were the best! Uncle Harley had said so.

Harry led Niall through some thick bushes at the edge of the wall. Finally, he spotted the little cave like opening hidden in the dense under growth. Ignoring Niall's exclamations of surprise, Harry slid into the hole and looked around until he found the old piece of paper. "Aha!"

Harry had debated coming back here. The memory of what had happened last time was still too fresh in his mind. In fact, it hadn't been for Niall, he would not even be there!

But here was the thing. In the past couple of days, Harry had had an amazing time running around with Niall. And whatever they had done, had been Niall's idea. And now, the seven-year-old Harry wanted to impress his new friend. Showing him secret passages all through the fortress seemed like a good way to go about it. And judging by the amazed look on Niall's face, he was right.

"I have to admit princess," Niall whistled as he followed Harry through the darkness. "This is awesome!"

Harry grinned. "Wanna do something awesome-er?"

So they did.

Harry and Niall worked diligently all through the afternoon till late in the evening, trying to convince the fortress staff that the castle was indeed haunted. Bloody Edward's and James-the-thirsty's memories were thoroughly honored. Harry had found a dear friend in Niall. And maybe one day, Harry really would tell Niall everything. The massacre. The poisoning. But right now, he would just enjoy being a kid once again.

"Okay, quiet!" Harry whisper giggled to a snickering Niall. "I think our next victim is just outside!"

Both the boys listened intently until the footsteps were right beside them. Harry pointed at Niall and grinned.

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