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Lysandra, Valium

Louis was busy with diplomats from Adresse when a wide eyed Niall barged into the court room. With one nod from him, Louis quickly excused himself and rushed back towards the royal chamber, leaving Niall to deal with the envoys.

Harry's pregnancy had continued without any problems..... At least that was according Louis and Zayn and almost everyone else. Harry and Niall had vastly different opinions. When Harry had hit the sixth month mark, he had started craving apples . Anything containing apples. Pies, juices, pastries, sweets, jams- There were apples everywhere!

Harry and Niall had been inconsolable. Harry had even claimed to Louis that the child was not his, while caressing his rounded tummy lovingly. By night, he was once again sobbing about how bad a mother he was and how his own blood and kin had betrayed him as such!

Then there were times when Louis would find the boy uncharacteristically silent and distant. Harry would become overwhelmed and uncertain about the future and that would make him scared. He was only nineteen, and he couldn't help feel so unprepared and scared with everything changing both inside and outside of him!

But Louis was there to hug him close and show him support. And remind Harry time and time again how everything would be alright. That he was safe. That he had a big family to take care of everything and that it was no longer him alone against the whole world.

So yes, there were some confusing times. But Louis had loved every moment of it. He loved touching the round belly. Of feeling the child kick. Of administering kisses all over Harry's face and stomach. Of hearing Harry talk to the baby when he thought no one was there. And above all he loved being able to be next to Harry and taking care of him.

And now, it was almost time to meet their child.

The labor was rough.

Louis could hear his mate's anguished screams from three corridors away and it hurt him deeply. The royal chamber was abuzz with activity. Healers were fluttering around, making sure everything was progressing correctly while Zayn was sitting next to Harry and wiping his forehead with a wet cloth, trying to soothe him and keep him calm.

Louis had rushed to Harry's other side to comfort him. His face was red with effort as tears steadily made their way down his cheeks.

Harry had mentioned feeling a little down that morning. He hadn't even left the room. So Louis had requested for Zayn to keep watch over him while he dealt with the state matter.

"It hurts so bad Lou!" Harry sobbed as he crushed his fingers, but Louis didn't mind it at all. Harry could break all his fingers if it helped him ease his pain even by a little bit.

Louis planted a kiss to his forehead and gave him an encouraging smile. "It'll all be over soon, Harry. Just a few more pushes." Then he winced in sympathy as Harry let out another pained scream as another contraction hit.

It went on for hours and Harry was utterly exhausted. Louis had to leave Harry's side for a few minutes in the evening when Niall came around with the important news from the envoys.

The beta was also extremely worried for his best friend and it showed in his eyes. But head nurse was strict about who could and could not enter the room during the birth. None of them wanted to overwhelm Harry when he was in such a vulnerable state.

Bottom line- Pushing a baby out of yourself is scary. And extremely demanding.

By evening, Harry didn't even have the strength left to scream out anymore and was reduced to whimpers. His tired eyes were glazed with pain and it broke Louis's heart that he couldn't do anything for him, other than just sit there and offer support. No matter how many times the healers assured him that it was completely natural and that Harry was progressing very nicely, it didn't sit well with Louis. He just wanted to take all his pain away.

Soon another round of pushing and shouting began. This one far worse than all others combined.

"Just a few more pushes your majesty! Your child is almost out!" The healer encouraged. It was just past sun down. Louis wiped away the sweaty strands from Harry face and held on to his hand, muttering words of encouragements as Harry pushed down again, gritting his teeth. "That's it Harry! You're doing so well, my love. Our baby is almost here!"

With eyes squinted shut Harry let out an animalistic growl one last time. His chin digging into his chest.

Then it all just stopped. Harry collapsed down of the fluffy mountain of pillows below him with a groan, as if someone had cut the strings holding him up. Simultaneously, A thin frail wail reached Louis' ears as he looked up to see the healer hold up a tiny squirming human. The healer looked up with a big smile. "Congratulation your Majesties! The Gods have blessed you with an alpha prince!"

Louis immediately hugged Harry, who had tears still streaming down his pale face. His eyes were drooping shut and he was panting heavily.

But he was smiling.

"Thank you Harry. Thank you so so much!" Louis pressed a short but passionate kiss on his lips before pulling away and helping him adjust a bit. He looked extremely tired and weak, but his smile was just blinding. With eager shaking arms, Harry took hold his newborn son when the healer handed him over and cradled him to his chest, leaning against Louis. Holding their child seemed to fill Harry with renewed energy.

The infant's eyes were squinted shut and he was mewling softy, but he relaxed when Harry bent down to give him a delicate a kiss on the chubby cheeks. "We are so happy to finally meet you, Solaris! Mummy and dada are so happy!" He whispered softly, his voice quivering.

Louis was the one who had came up with the name. Harry was a bit skeptical about naming the baby after a horse. But he had eventually agreed, seeing that both he and his child were still alive thanks to Solaris. Plus, Harry really loved the mare. After all, if you can give a horse a person's name, then you could very well give a person a horse's name.

"Won't you open your beautiful eyes for us darling?" Louis asked as he too placed a sweet little kiss on his son's forehead. He was so tiny and precious! A delicate little human who was half Harry, half himself. He could only wonder what Harry was feeling, seeing him out there in his arms.

Solaris' eyelids slowly fluttered open, as the glittering pair of cornflowers looked up at his parents for the first time, and then yawned big making the two adults coo.

And as he sat there with Harry, talking softly to their little boy, Louis realized that everything was just perfect. Including the bawling Zayn, who left the room after making sure both Harry and the baby were alright.

News would soon spread about the birth of the prince and heir. And then there was Harry's coronation due too. They had busy days ahead of them.

But Louis didn't care.

At this moment, everything was perfect.


Solaris now has the strongest bloodline in eighteen kingdoms, overtaking both Harry and Leanna. 


We are so close to the end. But the last chapter is the biggest in the book. And I am not dividing it into parts.

Thank you so so sooo much for all the support!


- Lani 💙 

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