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POV: Louis

They didn't get to kick many butts. None to be exact. Though Liam did cut off a head.

In the beginning, Louis grew increasingly worried, that Zayn might lose his temper at one of the meetings and actually kick some pretty dangerous butts.

But Liam assured him that Zayn wouldn't.... most probably.

According to him, Zayn only unleashed his claws for people he trusted explicitly.

But here was the thing, Zayn was a highly spirited omega. And even though no one knew that he was an omega, they definitely knew from his looks and built that he was not an alpha like the other two. And he was younger. 

As a result, on many occasions, he had been dismissed or insulted. And Zayn was not the kind to sit back and be trash talked about. And Louis was afraid that one day he would simply lose control.

So, Louis was a little concerned for Zayn. Because sometimes, the dangerous butts could kick him back.

After Lysandra, he had joined his friends, going all over the country and speaking and negotiating with the lords. It was a secret mission Liam had been assigned by his father, one of the six powerful lords.

They had to move carefully, for if Lionel found out about his not-so-dead status and this growing opposition he was forming, the new king would definitely join heaven and hell to take him out once more, along with Liam and Zayn.

They travelled in disguise. And Liam alone sorted the negotiations first and only when he was sure that the lord or the chief was trustworthy, did Louis come out to play with fire. But he still wore a disguise and introduced himself as a long-lost relative of the douche bag sitting on the throne.

The blood connection was necessary, for without it, he couldn't be king and the people wouldn't vouch for him. Thankfully, convincing the lords was easy because of the glittering evidence.

The lords themselves were tricky business.

Yes, Louis did know them because of regular dealings with them when he had been a prince. But forming relations from scratch was difficult.

Moreover, lord-prince relationships were nowhere near the lord-lord relationships. In short, most of them hated each other and refused to work together. In a sick sense, they were not all that different from their crown wearing counterparts.

Liam's father was respected though, and it certainly helped a lot. Lord Payne was the Leanna of Valium. And no one wanted to get on his bad side.

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