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Lysandra, Valium

POV: Louis

In the beginning, there was only darkness. Ink black from the darkest night.

Pain came next. Constantly burning like the untamed fires of hell.

Then came the noises. Whispers and murmurs carried by gentlest winds.

Louis couldn't grasp anything. It was as if his brain had died. Just like he had. Funny, he had always thought in afterlife, there wouldn't be any pain. And where was his mother? He wanted his mother so badly! She was his safety net. And he had been falling for so long.

But then he started having doubts. There was a voice. Another boy. Shaggy back hair. Kind warm eyes. Face sculpted from marble. And he kept saying the same thing over and over. "Hold on! It'll get better soon!" 

He came and went like his consciousness. Louis had never seen him before. But he welcomed his company. Apart from the pain and darkness, the strange boy was all he had.

Slowly, the pain reduced. The boy appeared more and more frequently. Was he an angel? He had to be!

As the agony lowered, his brain started picking up things. His brother was a backstabber! Lionel had killed their parents! His own Mother. Of all the revelation from that night, this one stung him the most. His own brother had killed the woman who had given birth to him. What kind of monster did that?

Royalties... Louis snorted mentally.

As if sensing his discomfort, the angel appeared again. "It'll be alright soon! Just hold on!"

Louis wanted to believe him so badly. But it was all a lie. Everything was as terrible as it could get! The life he knew was over.

When Louis finally came through, it was dark again. For a second he thought he was back in the streets, drowning in his own blood. But then he saw the rough bed sheets. Looking around, he realised that he was in a tiny room. It was neat and clean but sparsely furnished. A single lamp burned in the corner dousing the room in feeble light.

Louis tried to sit up but the sudden sparks of agony jolted from his back. He whimper out in pain.

Immediately, the wooden door glided opened and the boy from his dreams rushed in. But seeing Louis awake, he jumped back several steps.

Louis studied his face. He seemed slightly younger than him. And there was a strange softness about his features. Those soft features looked extremely wary of him, which was absolutely ridiculous. Louis doubted he could even move at this point finger without passing out from pain! His stupid idiot horribly inconsiderate brother had caught him on one of the central muscles. 

"You saved me?" Louis' voice was fragile. Exactly reflecting how he felt.

The boy slowly nodded his head.

Louis smiled through his chapped lips. "Thank you...".

The boy gave him a shy smile and slowly crept forward. "Want some water?" 

Louis gave him a nod and the boy scurried out of the room. When he returned, there was another boy with him, around Louis's age. But this one looked more tough and wary. The younger one helped him gently with a glass of water before laying him down once more, then swiftly checking his wounds like an expert.

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