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Somewhere in the middle of Eastern ocean

POV: Leanna

Babies were terrible!

In her few but filled years as the reigning monarch of Carnelia, Leanna had dealt with many threats. Assassins, Mercenaries, double agents and spies, fellow stupid rulers, corrupt and cutthroat politicians and lords...She had conquered them all.

But the one and half year-old monkey running around helter-skelter with a half-tied nappy on the swinging decks aboard a ship in the middle of the night bested them all.

"Ariadne! Come back here at once!" Leanna whisper shouted as she chased after the toddler while trying to keep her head covered with her cape. She had to keep their presence a secret. But it was useless considering you couldn't make a baby wear lenses.

Well at least she had that cute little hat for her glittering hair.

The princess gave her no heed and merrily continued with her exploration on the deck. Her little highness had been in the middle of a nappy change when her inner explorer had awakened. And she had easily slipped through Leanna's inexperienced hands and straight out the cabin door like a pro marathon runner. Leann couldn't blame her though, the kid needed some place to run around. Especially after what she had endured.

But how on earth she had that much energy from a diet of just mashed fruits and milk, Leanna had no idea. The queen was dead exhausted. She wanted a bed. Couldn't she have a bed?

"Weeee!" Ariadne's high-pitched glee tore through the night.

"Apparently not." Leanna sighed and followed the sound. It would be terrible if the kid was to fall overboard and drown.... Hmmm. Leanna smiled.

But then she killed the pleasant dream and jogged down the galley. That was her so-completely-done-with-life tiredness talking.

Were she and Harry been this difficult as children? She certainly hoped not. Kids were a positive nightmare! She would be sure to mention it to Harry when she saw him again.

The mood dropped as her heart caved in a bit.

If she saw him again.


The only good things about kids? They didn't let you delve into sad memories for long. Oh no, if your attention slipped for even a mere second while they were around... You. Were. Doomed. FINISHED. ANNIHILATED. DESTRO---- Oh hi there!

Leanna's eyes widened.

Standing under the white moonlight in front of the captains chambers was a beautiful young man with sea green eyes. His dark skin enhancing his silvery hair. The silvery hair in question was currently being happily gnawed on by Ariadne, who was comfortably nestled in the man's arms.

You could say the kid had a rich taste like her father.

The silver beauty gave her a small smile. "Is this little explorer travelling with you?"

Ariadne looked at her with curiosity, as if Leanna was the stranger. She even arched her growing eyebrows to give an indifferent look.

Well done Leanna! You just got judged by a baby.

"Yes. She is my daughter." Leanna responded. Her voice steady like a queen's. Well, she did have a lot of practice.

"Thank you for catching her before she hurt herself!" Leanna replied gratefully, while scanning the little devil for any signs of injury. Maybe she also scanned person holding her. He was lean and soft... A lot like Harry. But appearances could be deceptive. Maybe he was a beta?

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