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Here is to first hope

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Here is to first hope. Without restraints and fear.



Deniese, Rosales

POV: Harry

"You know, this was not what I had in mind when you spoke of starting a new chapter in our lives..." Niall said thoughtfully as both of them were roughly pulled out of their prison cells.

Harry did feel a bit bad about fooling everyone and causing them grief. But for once, he wanted to live life on his own terms. His death was in everyone's best interest.

Except Louis. His mind whispered.

Harry sighed and looked down.

After sending Leanna on a wild goose chase south to Raveria, Harry and Niall had gone west, towards the major trade centers in Carnelia, where Harry had one of his safe houses. There he had gathered the supplies sent by Lord Harley as per Harry's requested in the letter. And as soon as they were ready with the false identification papers and a bit of cash, they had set sail for the extreme north aboard one of the trade ships.

Camouflaging was a bit difficult for Harry because of the huge lifestyle change, but he was slowly getting a hang of it. Niall certainly was of great help in that area. Except when he was trying to convince Harry to shave his locks. His glinted hair and eyes were dead giveaways of his royal lineage. And while lenses took care of the eyes, the hair was still a big problem.

"Bald is in fashion." Niall had assured him.

"Not happening!" Harry had assured back.

Niall had finally agreed with full-head scarves which actually complimented the merchant look they were going for as per their new identification papers. Harry and Niall were now Edward and James. The non-ethereal blood thirsty kind.

For the next three months, they had travelled across the continent, visiting places as per their convenience. The various safe houses provided both shelter and cash whenever required but Harry usually avoided used them as much as possible. They usually had a higher chance of getting discovered there. As Wolf, he had been extremely careful while maintaining the safe houses and had always cleared the trails leading up to them, but Harry was not fond of taking unnecessary risks.

So more often than not, He and Niall found some odd errands to do in whatever town they were visiting, sometimes landing a job at very odd places. So far, they had never stayed at one location for more than a few weeks and were still looking for a town to settle down for a while.

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