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This was actually a part of DRASTIC MEASURES (11).  Enjoy

Megara, Carnelia

Harry just hummed. This conversation was over. Harry didn't agree, but he was too tired to argue and badly wanted to collapse on the warm-warm bed. Probably for the last time in his life.

Even Niall's shoulder was comfortable enough. This talking thing was highly draining. With a worn-out sigh, Harry closed his eyes. The strength leaving his body as his mind became blissfully blank. The quiet warmth blanketing him. It would all be over soon. He would be free.

He'll have mercy.

"Oh.... And I am coming with you too!" Niall chimed as he drew back from Harry. "Did you honestly think you were going to get rid of me that easy! Best friends stick together, remember?"

Wait, what?

"Wait, what?"

"That's right! We are running away together! This might be fun!" Niall gave him his trademark impish grin.

All of Harry's tiredness just abandoned their vessel jumped out of the widow.


Niall grinned and shook his head. "It's cute how you still think you can win an argument with me, princess. C'mon, we need to gear up! What's Wolf's grand plan?"


"I still think you overdid it in the suicide note," Niall mused while Harry checked the corridors for any surprise patrols. "I mean, 'it brings me the greatest of sorrows to cause such an upheaval between our nations that I could no longer continue to live on and have solemnly decided to immortalize my soul for the sake of greater good and sincerely hope, this conflict over my marriage, dies with my.' Suicide notes usually have a bit more personal touch to it!"

"Niall! How can you talk so candidly about such matters? It was a suicide note! This is serious business!" Harry whispers as they walked down the passage to reach the servant's staircase. He had sent away the guards from his doors and had the castle petrol time-table printed in his brain, being Wolf had its advantages. He quickly checked his mask and cloak to ensure they were covering everything.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Niall defended himself, "But attention to detail matters. 'I love you Leanna, but you know my time has come. This is the wish of the gods!' Leanna would never believe that shit."

"Of course, she won't." They were now at the stable doors. Most of the castle guards had been busy crawling the corridors and keeping an eye on the now enemy leaders. "Convincing her was never the goal. It was convincing the country. 'No sacrifice is greater than the one done for the Motherland' should be enough to clear the shame from both Leanna's and Louis' names. If I had simply 'run away', Valium would have been forced to attack Carnelia for disrespecting their king. But now, since the omega 'killed himself', there is no need for any of the rulers to continue bickering and start another war! The prize is gone!"

Harry was really proud of his plans. "Besides, Leanna already knows I am not the sort to end my life like that."

"What? You don't even have the guts to sacrifice your life for your country? Shame on you..."

"One more word out of your mouth, and I am feeding you to the crocodiles!" Harry whisper shouted, "We are supposed to be sneaking away you know, or did you not get the memo?"

Niall gave him a cheeky grin as they both silently led their horses outside. Solaris and Ivory were a bit grumpy, having been roused from their beauty sleeps at predawn hours, but decided to go along with the flow.... Or maybe they just knew they would be getting tasty treats after this. Niall did love to spoil them both. Particularly when it came to food.

Killing himself was the best idea. No loose ends.

"Ready to start a brand-new chapter of our lives?" For the first time in a very long time, Harry finally felt free. His future a blank canvas, waiting to be filled with beautiful and bright colors. And who knows, maybe time away from Carnelia might help find peace.

"You bet!"

And with that, both young men sneaked out of the palace gates at the back and rode away darkness and clear windy skies.

Destiny smiled for the first time in a long while. The reins had been snatched from her hands once more. But the road ahead held promise. 


Harry was the only character who was there in the entire expanse of the story, right from prologue till epilogue. He was followed by Leanna, Niall, SOLARIS,  Lord Harley, Liam and Louis and finally Zayn in that order. (Based on first and last physical appearance)

But it is Louis who has more POVs under him.



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