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'And when,

when I was off...

which happened a lot.

You came to me

and said that's enough'


Megara, Carnelia

Harry's mind was numb.

Nothing made sense anymore.

After fleeing the court room, while he was still functional, Harry had beelined straight for his chambers. His guards were informed not to let anyone in! Including his sister. 

Then he had then dropped the disguise and hastily written three letters. Two were copies of one another, containing required details of what had gone down the past hour including the wedding  situation. The third, however, was a request for help and what needed to be done to protect everyone.

He hastily sealed all the letters. The first and the third letter went into a red envelope and the copied one went into the yellow. Then he called for his personal messenger.

"This is of utmost importance and you will not speak of this mission to anyone, not even your queen!" Harry hurriedly instructed the man as he handed him both the envelopes.

"Deliver the red one directly to lord Harley in Raveria. Then comeback half the way and hide your horse. Keep an eye on the road. Wait there till you see our royal guards passing by and then pretend as if you were on your way to Raveria to deliver the yellow envelope when your horse twisted it's ankle and could no longer walk. When they ask to see the mail, put up a fight but eventually give in and let them take the letter to Leanna. Make sure that Leanna gets the yellow envelope and no one ever finds out about the red envelope! Is that absolutely clear?!"

"Yes, your highness." The man bowed respectfully and departed. Harry eyed the man go as anxiety steadily surged within him. 

There was no going back now. His life was over. He needed to prepare for what came next.

Harry sent for Niall who was still at the festival... waiting for him. There was usually this large feast on the tenth day with mountains of delicacies from all over Alamain. It was Niall's favorite day! And Harry had promised he would be there for him. Louis and Liam were supposed to join them too...


The dam of control shattered.

Harry fell to the floor, the gravity of the situation far too strong to bear. The tears unstoppable as he curled in on himself. He was shaking... grief and fear battling in his mind. This was not supposed to happen! None of this was supposed to happen! All his feelings were a muck and Harry didn't know what to feel or think or do anymore except for just letting go.

Whatever there was between him and Louis, it was gone. Neither were to be blamed for this. But being objectified, and sold off like an auction prize?... It made him realize there was no escaping his fate. As long as he remained the royal omega, people would never stop using him for their own benefits. No amount of facades and lies or accomplishments could ever protect him from the brutality. But he couldn't let them harm Leanna too. Or Carnelia. They had sworn an oath to protect his motherland.

Using Louis was his only choice. Even if he felt absolutely horrible for it.

Harry could hear them outside his door. Leanna and Louis. Begging and pleading to be let in. But Harry just zoned them out. Zoned everything out as he sobbed into the expensive carpet. Trying to keep his nightmares at bay.

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