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Raveria, Carnelia


Harry stifled another groan by biting his lips till they bled. The pain was becoming worse and worse. Not that he had expected anything else considering he had entered his cycle that very morning. But it still sucked. And he had the right to complain..... in his mind.

He took deep breath and looked over at the on goings. The first half of the plan was currently under way. From his secluded spot away from the woods and way away from the enemy forces, he spotted the first division of the northern army battling the High Garium and slowly inching back towards the woods. It looked liked the plan was working.

His gaze shifter towards the left where the second half of their army had divided itself into two halves and were entering into the woods discreetly from the two corners, along the cliff edges overlooking the two oceans. The battle ground was a narrow strait.

The woods were roughly a rectangle, the two breadths facing the two coastlines while the two lengths of the said rectangle were literally sandwiched between the two nations.

"Oh Gods! You're killing me!" He glared towards his abdomen. The mere thought about food made him nauseous. It was as if someone was poking him with a hundred daggers all at once. If Leanna found out that he was out there when his heat had just started, she would have his head.

On second thoughts, He really should stop with all the morbid stuff like beheading and sandwiches. It would not be pleasant if he puked right now while he was wearing the wolf mask.

Yes, he was the Wolf. And yes, he was not supposed to be here right now, not even as Wolf. But how could he not!? This was probably the greatest threat his kingdom had ever faced. And battles were as unpredictable as the winds. They could change direction second. And as the main strategists, it was his duty to be here!

At least that's what he had told Niall and Leanna. To say that they had exploded like volcanos would be like to say that the state of High Garium was a tiny little peaceful village were people were nothing but farmers and small shop owners, never to have seen even a measly little dagger their entire lives.

So yeah, they were pissed. Naturally, Harry had not said a word about his heat. And now, he was suffering the consequences.

The enemy had now entered the woods from the High Garium side. Meanwhile the Mashask and the Valium forces were almost through to the other. In the middle of the night, Harry had.... or rather, Wolf had overseen the dousing of the woods with petroleum. All it needed was a spark and BOOM! ... Roasted High Gariums freshly served. Giving the enemy a taste of their own medicine.

Harry knew it was kind of sick, but this was war. It was either kill or be killed. And he preferred to live on. Carnelia had warned High Garium not to be stupid or suffer the consequences.

High Garium decided to be stupid.

From his calm hilltop viewing station, Harry had the perfect panorama as the Carnelian forces, led by Leanna rushed out of the friendly side of the woods with the Garium army in close pursuit. The Bulk of the Gariums were still inside while the northern troops were almost out in both sides. Discipline and timing was everything.

It was perfection. 

As soon as the signal was given out, the woods exploded. The roaring fire reaching up to twenty-five feet in the air! The Garium army was engulfed in a blanket of heat and smoke and catastrophe. Leanna, Louis and all the other leaders and generals quickly started forming the circle to cage the pyre of a forest. Most of the Garium were certainly dead. Those who remained had three options. 

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