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Royal palace at Lysandra, Valium

POV: Louis

The whispers were growing. Eyes following his each step.

His hair was styled elegantly. His robes that of a prince, clean but stained heavily with old blood. A sword hung from his waist belt and the queen's dagger fitted into his thigh holster. His legs encased in tough iron tipped boots.

Crisp blue eyes glittered as if the stars themselves had found their home in them.

It was time.

The grand palace doors opened without friction. People stopped what they were doing just to see the ghost.

For it had to be a ghost. Prince Louis died two years ago.

Louis had wondered what it would be like, returning to the place which was once his home. Happy? Scared? Angry? It was anyone's guess.

But as he walked through the courtyard and climbed the so familiar grand staircase, he only felt... settled. As if this was the place his soul belonged in.

"Is everyone in their places?" Louis whispered to his companion.

Liam nodded. "Yes." He too was armed to the teeth. Both Zayn and Liam had jumped in readily to support him for the final confrontation. But both the alphas were resolute for once. Zayn was to stay back for his safety. And there was no one whom Louis trusted more to have his back in a fight other than Liam.

Louis looked the alpha in the eye and smiled. "Thank you."

Liam's gaze was warm. "You are my brother Lou. Take this love for granted."

His eyes stung. But he refused to lose control. This show of power was vital and he would not risk its grandeur by becoming emotional. Besides, his Momma always said not to cry while taking down  evil kings.

Still, it was hard. His own blood brother had stabbed him and killed his parents without remorse. And here on the other hand, two random boys who were not even connected by blood, had showed Louis what family truly was.

'I will die for you Louis, if that's what it takes.' Liam had promised him that morning.

But Louis had himself made a promise too. He would willingly give up anything for Liam. And Zayn.

Both the boys walked till the court doors. A large crowd following them by this point. "Be alert." Louis cautioned Liam. "I don't trust this snake one bit! Not anymore!" He then pushed open the grand door and strode in confidently.

For once, Lionel was actually in the castle...which was good otherwise the whole thing would have been a bit embarrassing.

Lionel looked down in confusion at first. Then Louis saw the exact instant when recognition drew in. The king hastily stood up from the throne and stumbled down the dais. A multitude of expressions raced across his face. Disbelief took the first position. But the man was aware of the audience they had.

"L...Lou? Is it truly you?" Lionel stuttered as he slowly stepped closer to him. Louis's hand crept towards his sword. "You...You are alive! Oh I am so happy to see you again my dearest brother! Thank the Gods that you are alive!"

The acting was excellent. Apart from Louis, no one saw the angry glint in the king's eyes.

Lionel rushed forward, as if to hug Louis, but in one swift move, Louis' sword tip was pointing towards his exposed neck.

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