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Vaishali border

POV: Louis

His plan had worked. His suspicions about Hans had been right!

But Louis felt no joy about his victory when he saw the scene unfold before him. For if either Harry or his child died, it would all be for nothing.

Charging back through the storm had been nerve wrecking, each second spent sending prayer after prayer for Harry's safety. By the time he had reached their camps, Rannegon and his troops had already fled, and so had Harry.

But the flames were doused. Harry's wishes had finally paid off. His armed men and women were ready at the camp and joined the entire northern Alamainian army as they dashed through the mud and rain and mist, hunting for the bastards who had wreaked havoc over their continent. Over their home!

Then the rains had stopped and the winds had howled. The fog and clouds pushed away as golden sunlight had poured over the huge army of Torrenheim with Hans and Leanna on the lead. And in the middle of the two armies, Rannegon sat astride his horse holding his men and women hostage. And in his arms, he roughly held Harry. A dagger aimed at Harry's womb.

Louis's vision tinted red. The very intention so so inhuman and depraved and yet at the same time, so frightening.

One wrong move, and both of them would die.

After a quick survey of the situation, Louis ordered his best archers forward quietly. When Rannegon was sufficiently distracted, he gave the signal. The array flew straight and true, each missile finding its mark. Not one going astray. The men fell. But they couldn't shoot Rannegon. Not with Harry in such a compromising position. Even an accidental flinch of hand was deadly.

And with failing negotiations, it was getting worse and worse for Harry.

"IF YOU KILL ME, THEN SOUTHERN ALAMAIN WILL PERISH WITH ME!" Rannegon tried a last-ditch effort to save his skin. 

But his own family had dug his grave. "Not while Harry and Leanna live!" Zayn professed confidently. 

Leanna was enraged. "Give up Rannegon. NOW! Or I will personally chop of your head and feed it to my lions!"

They should have known better. Rannegon was a madman! And they had just made him desperate.

"IF I DIE, I TAKE THEM WITH ME!" Rannegon roared out as he pulled Harry back sharply, making him cry out in pain. One giant arm wrapping around his delicate neck possessively while the other remained where it was, holding the dagger.

Zayn was helplessly standing next to him, but unable to do anything for the fear of hurting the baby. But Harry's face had gone white. His shirt crimson. Louis could see it in his face. The omega was in agony!

Worry flooded his veins. Were they too late? Was the baby... He didn't dare finish that thought. He had time. He had to have time! He could still save Harry if they worked together.

He quickly unswung his own bow and notched an arrow, taking very careful aim. Apprehension had consumed his soul. But his arms were dead steady with love and unwavering determination. His fingers tight at the fletching.

Rannegon was now facing him, using Harry as his shield. A malicious smile crept over his lips. He pressed the knife a little harder against Harry's stomach, making the boy whimper. But not beg or plead. Harry was a prince. He would never bow to that monster! He would rather die standing with his head held high! His pride intact!

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