7. THE PRICE OF WAR (part-1)

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Time flew by quickly after the battle. High Garium withdrew its army from the borderlands and agreed on the peace treaty. The captured men were returned on the condition that High Garium would never attempt such a daring attack ever again. Of course, no one believed them to keep their word, so a large sum of money was demanded as battle compensations and the queen of Vaishali had send them a letter requesting them to act honorably. Though Louis suspected the letter did more than just request. Queen Yameen seemed far too pleased with herself and assured everyone that the High Garium would not even turn to look at them with evil intentions any time soon.

Yeah... Poisons were definitely involved.

The Carnelian forces had immediately started on the afforestation program to revive the burnt forest. Everyone was looking forward for the future with no wars and steady peace. With the arrival of spring, crop growth was a promise and trade was flourishing between the nations. The economy blooming. The rulers of Valium, Vaishali, Mashask, Adresse and Torrenheim had become kind of allies and had managed to go through few more dinners without killing each other or starting another war. Everything was going well and everyone was happy.

But one dark cloud persisted.

As soon as they had returned to the fortress. Leanna had rushed off on a private business. Later that evening, during the grand feast celebrating their victory, Leanna had only made a brief appearance and although she had smiled and joked, Louis could detect a strain. Leanna was putting up an act. But the bone deep sorrow did not escape his attention.

According to the court gossips spreading like wildfire, there seemed to have been a major row between the royal siblings. And Louis wouldn't have paid much mind to it had it not been for the fact that Harry seemed to have vanished from the face of the Alamain. And Louis was planning on meeting the prince after the war, so he was a bit disappointed by this turn of events.

But for now...

"Liam, I swear I had kept it right here!" Louis complained as he looked around his chambers.

"Is that so..." Liam didn't even bother looking up from the letter he was writing. When in private, Louis preferred his closest friends to not treat him like loyalty, but like the brothers they were during Louis' exile and rise to power. Louis prided the bond they shared and loved them to pieces. Especially Liam and Zayn.

"Yes, it is!" Louis replied with narrowed eyes. He loved that dagger. It was the last gift from his mother before she died.

"Now would you care to tell me where it is, or are you too busy?" Louis crossed his arms and sat down on the desk in front of Liam, barring him access to the post. His friend was organized to a fault. Nothing missed his eyes. A real help for someone like Louis who couldn't even remember what he had for breakfast. 

Or if he even had breakfast.

"I am too busy." Liam replied without missing a beat and merrily continued to scribble away.







"Pretty please?" Louis pouted.

Liam looked him dead in the eye. Smiled. And..."No."

"Oh come on! I deserve attention! You wound me! It hurts! You hurt the king!"

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