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'We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow. 

But now alone I lie and weep beside the tree. 

Singing 'Oh willow waly' by the tree that weeps with me. 

Singing 'Oh willow waly' till my lover return to me'

-  O Willow Waly (The Innocents)


POV: Louis

Louis was a little confused.

Okay, he was extremely confused, but he was taking matters one at a time.

For example, should he kill Liam for not telling him Wolf's true identity or be happy that Liam kept his words to Harry. But by telling Louis this now, he was technically betraying Harry in any case, so he could have just told him in the beginning. 

Yup, Louis should probably kill him.

The fact that Harry was present in the court room the entire time made things infinitely worse. He heard everything!

After leaving the room, Leanna and Louis had frantically rushed to the omega's chambers. The corridor haunted by echoes of hi sorrow. But they were denied entry into the room. Louis was surprised to see the guards blocking even the High alpha queen, but Leanna had cleared things up for him. Harry, or Wolf, had his own personal guards, who listened to no one except Harry. Not even the queen herself.

So both were subjected to stand outside listening to the prince's heart wrenching cries without being able to offer comfort or support. The misery excluded by the omega was making the entire castle shake with agitation. In fact, Louis was sure Leanna was ready to pick up a fight with the guards, just to get in but had stood down when Niall had arrived and disappeared into the room.

Louis badly wanted to run in too, and envelope Harry in his arms, telling him that everything will turn out to be okay. That they were still friends. But something told him it was too late.

With nothing else to do, both of them had returned to Louis 'chambers to corner Liam and find out how he had known Wolf was in fact, Harry?

Soon afterwards, a raging Leanna had stormed away, no doubt to again try gaining access into Harry's chamber, but Louis did not have much hope for her success. He too was dying to talk to Harry. But first, he himself needed to sort out the mess in his own head.

He should have been happy. Ecstatic even. He was planning on eventually courting Harry and was really fond of the omega. But the fact that Harry did not get a chance to choose or express his opinion at all... did not sit well with him.

But on the other hand, if Harry indeed was Wolf, didn't he actually choose his suitor?

Thinking back, Wolf.... well... Harry, had put up calculative statements, which ensured it was Louis, who was selected. Yes, he had made it seem that his reasoning was not biased and that he didn't care about anything but pure logic by eliminating the jerks, and presenting Muller and Louis as the only candidates. But Louis was willing bet  that Harry was well-aware Muller would have rejected.

So didn't that mean Harry himself had chosen Louis to be his mate? Louis would have liked to think that. And Harry was starting to get warmer around him. The omega was Happy. Louis had seen it in those sparkling emeralds.

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