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Gonna need the map. No need to memorize anything. Its just for reference. The storyline is self explanatory. 


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"Remind me once more, why on Earth did we agree to this?" Louis asked his chief general as both of them navigated through the passages towards the war room.

"I believe it's out of the goodness of our heart, somehow blended with personal gain, your majesty." Liam Payne replied softly, so as not to be overheard by the Carnelian guard leading them on.

"The survival of the very heart in question depends on this war. Thus, this is a cause of personal gain. Personal gain being, the goodness of our hearts." Louis repeated what Zayn had said when they had parted ways a week ago. "He really does have a way with words, doesn't he?"

Liam smiled. "Yes your highness. The royal advisor's place is well deserved by him. His presence here would have been of great assistance."

"He is an omega. I would not have risked his safety by bringing him here." Louis replied sternly.

Liam sighed. "You underestimate him, Lou."

"A fact he himself reminds me off quite frequently without your help Liam! I know what I am doing. You don't know these royals like I do. The Styles' are just as much as a threat to us as the Garium army. He is better off at Lysandra." Louis responded curtly, bringing their short discussion to an end.

They followed the guards to the heavy engraved doors and entered when they were announced., the doors closing behind them.

"High Alpha king Tomlinson. We are extremely grateful for your presence here among us under such dire situation."

Louis immediately recognized the speaker. Leanna Styles was not an alpha to be messed with. With her fierce green eyes and regal beauty, she resembled a lioness about to devour her prey. Thankfully, they were political allies. Louis was not on the menu today.

"A pleasure, you're highness." Louis gave a curt nod. Since both of them were of the same status, propriety was a delicate issue. You couldn't overdo it or underdo it. Sometimes, Louis really wanted to kill those old hags who came up with all these stuff.

Apparently, Leanna also shared the same view as a thin smile appeared on her face. "And now that we are done with that hopscotch, let's get down to the real business."

Louis Tomlinson was not an idiot. If he had been one, he would have been six feet under by now. His ascent to the throne of Valium had been anything but smooth. The previous Tomlinson rulers had done quite a number on Valium. Continues useless battles with neighbors had nearly ran the coffers to the ground. Thankfully, Louis took after his mother, the late High Queen. His country had come a long way since then under his rule, but it was still healing. And Louis would not have joined forces with Carnelia had the situation truly not been this dire.

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