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Royal Palace of Megara, Carnelia


"Very good Leanna," The training instructor praised her as she yet again, swiped his sword away from him with precise and clean moves. "You are learning fast. You're one of the best students I have ever taught!"

Leanna smiled. She was, wasn't she?

It had been two months since the day Harry left...No, since he was dragged away against his wishes! It had given Leanna a much-needed reality check. She was not strong enough. She was not powerful enough. She wasn't queen enough. Yet...

Well guess what? She would be. Very soon!

Leanna had thrown herself into even more rigorous training and arms practice. She was determined to get back what was hers. The throne. The crown. And above all, Harry. And to get to the point where no one controlled their fate, she needed to be the best.

Leanna smirked. Even uncle Harley got scared once. But he was also proud of her.

The screams of her parents had stopped haunting her every step. They hadn't completely gone, but it was getting better. In its place, however, the image of Harry being yanked out of her grasp was playing non-stop.

'Good', she had said to herself. 'It'll always remind you what is at stake.'

She had to become the best, for Harry and for Carnelia.

Leanna Sheathed her beautiful, yet deadly sword into its scabbard. It had been her father's. She thanked her instructor as she wiped away her sweat. Next, she left for the dining hall. She was famished!

Apart from the mouth-watering food, Leanna was delighted to see another letter from Harry. They had been constantly writing to each other ever since the separation. And although Leanna's heart leapt with joy every time a letter came around, the content wasn't usually so pleasing.

Harry was miserable. And he wasn't getting better. The classes were dull and infuriating. And he hated it there. And all his letters always ended with an 'I want to come back home. Please bring me home!'

And Leanna was trying. She too wanted him home at Megara with her, not in some far of royal residence. At least he was safe with Karhine. She sighed and tore open the letter. And began reading it as soon as possible.

She stopped short.

Frowning, she turned it over looking for the rest of the message, but only a blank page greeted her.

Uncle Harley put down his wine goblet next to her plate. "Harry wrote?" He asked, checking the mailing address.

Leanna sighed and put down the letter, her heart unsettled. "Yeah...but something doesn't feel right. It was too short! Harry can never write so less. It's impossible!" She handed the letter to her uncle who inspected it closely.

"I see no signs of invisible ink either." He confessed as he gave it back to her. "Maybe he is having a bad day. You know how tough it is for him.... but..."

Leanna looked up to see pained confusion in his eyes. As if, he couldn't decide whether to tell her something or not.

"But?" She narrowed her eyes up at him. She needed to know.

Harley sighed as he pushed back from the table and turned his chair, so that he was sitting closer to her. As time went by, he treated her more and more like an adult. Like a queen. 

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