9. THE PRICE OF WAR (part-2)

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I have a feeling many people were waiting for this part since the first chapter. The whole 'The price of war' definitely falls under the top 5 emotionally toughest chapter.  But more difficult ones are yet to come. ( Proud smile for not divulging too much!!!)

There are two songs for this chapter. One is above. One is this one....

This chapter is vital... for multiple reasons. Enjoy... 


Megara, Carnelia


The next few days flew past in bliss. Louis got to meet with Harry everyday as they both sauntered around the streets without worry or responsibility. Harry even allowed Louis to hold him once or twice, while they danced and twirled in the town square with all the other couples.

"This is nice!" Harry had acknowledged with happiness.

"With you around, it always will be!" Louis replied dreamily as he dipped the omega back. Harry's graceful figure flowing like water in his arms.

Harry snickered as he was pulled up and spun around on his feet. "Are you flirting with me Louis?"

Louis smiled and shrugged as he grasped Harry's waist and lifted him off the ground with ease. "I am if you want me too."

All at once, the mirth vanished from Harry's face as his gaze became distant. It was always like this. Both of them would be having fun and then suddenly whoosh! Harry would be mentally gone somewhere far away. 

Louis had asked Niall about it for it was a bit worrying, but Niall had no answers. The dazed spells were... unnerving. And they were becoming more and more frequent.

"Hey, Harry?" Louis gently placed his palms on his cheeks. "Come back to me, love..."

Harry blinked at him. Confused for a fleeting second. But then all signs of disassociation was gone. As if nothing was wrong in the first place.

But this time, a sad smile remained. "Is it selfish of me to want that? For I assure you your majesty, nothing is going to come out of it..."

Louis took that in with a slightly heavy heart. Harry was so sure that they would never end up together, no matter how much Louis wanted that. He reached out and held Harry's elegant hands in his and said with a small smile. "Don't be so sure of that, my love. The ways of fate and destiny are unpredictable. All we can do is live in the moment and enjoy ourselves."

Louis didn't miss the spark lighting up Harry's emerald like eyes.

Harry was slowly growing more and more comfortable around him whereas he had completely fallen for the prince. They worked well together, and there was something about Harry which called out to his alpha. But Louis still didn't want pop the courting question until he felt Harry was absolutely ready. And they had time, didn't they?

Also, Zayn would probably kill him if he returned home married to an omega when he had just left a week ago for a dangerous battle. Certain events should not be mixed. Louis could even visualize the scene. The feisty golden skinned omega pacing around in front of him while berating him and Liam. "I cannot believe it! You both are such idiots! Honesty, can't you alphas not think with your dicks for one moment in your life? Is it really that difficult to consult me in such maters before bringing some stranger else back with you bound for life!? I should have gone with you LIKE I HAD SAID IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!"

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