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Lets brave the dark storm one last time...


Deniese, Rosales

POV: Zayn

"... But I have to save her Niall!!"

"Harry, It's a SUICIDE mission! I can't just let you march off to Raveria!" Niall's voice rang out with finality. 

Zayn actually started crying due to happiness upon hearing those words from behind the thin wooden door. But he made it damn sure that not one squeak came out of his mouth. He would not let some Dramatic emotional outburst take away his months of hard work! DEOs were extremely dangerous. Just take Niall's for example! Not that Zayn was complaining about it. In fact, he was ready to give away his entire collection of rare perfumes to the beta for having the said- dramatic emotional outburst.

For months Zayn had searched every inch of the continent with his men. All across the northern Alamain. Lord Harley indeed had helped the Prince and Niall with their escape, and after some spying, bribing and the good'Ol alpha chewing out, Zayn had managed to find the safe house at the trade port, but he had lost the scent after that. He had then scattered his men across the continent, trying to find new leads. Any leads! He had even managed to discover few other safehouses, but sadly none had passed through them.

Five months into the relentless search had Zayn rethinking his life's decisions. But just as he was about to give up and have a Dramatic emotional outburst, words began to seep down from the northern states.

Zayn always had suspected that there was a bigger chance of Harry heading north, as far away from Carnelia as possible. But due to the lack of evidence, he couldn't act on it. But when the cow stampede made it into the yearly Top Ten Terrific Topics on Alamain, Zayn took out his woolen cape.

After spending two very cloudy and very wet months in Valency, a water-soaked Zayn had finally arrived at the freezing cold Deniese in Rosales, and was duly greeted by the news of the oncoming war from south and Louis' immediate order to return back to Valium at once!

So much for -'Don't start a war in my absence!'  

So, it wasn't a big surprise that Zayn was a thin icicle away from drowning all the alphas, the beta and the omega responsible for this mess into the icy-cold fjords in the northern sea.

But as he was walking down the hallway of the tavern he had taken up residence in, Lady Luck finally graced him with her presence the form of the 'Dramatic emotional outburst' from none other than Niall Horan.

That's why no one could blame him when he fell flat to the floor and started weeping like a madman in silent relief. 

His mission was a success!

By that very evening, Zayn gladly took back everything he had ever about Alphas being idiots in general. Turned out, omegas could be equally bad!  Himself not included, obviously.

His first meeting with the prince didn't go as he had expected.

Then again, he should have known better than to come up from his behind while Harry was drinking ale and announcing "Prince Harry, King Louis wants to meet with you!"

Not only did he end up with a dagger to his throat, but Harry also sprayed out the ale already in his mouth directly on Zayn's face. 

Yes... Disgusting!

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